
It’s in their name, isn’t it: Black Liars Murder? And ANTI-democracy FAscists?

Wow, all this hate-propaganda really sinks into idiots like you easily!!

The IZA Institute of Labor Economics, that same source has found in other studies that:

“...we find no evidence that urban protests reignited COVID-19 case growth during the more than three weeks following protest onset. We conclude that predictions of broad negative public health consequences of Black Lives Matter protests were far too narrowly conceived.”

The same leftist propaganda-factory IZA (a leftist organisation formed to churn out socialist propaganda) has produced other absolute bullshit like:

Yes those leftist, marxist propagandists of IZA (a German leftist unionist organisation) and University of Bonn sure is a group that make Neanderthals look like Einstein in comparison.

No, fuck the socialists and marxists of IZA, a German extreme leftist unionist organisation and University of Bonn. What the fuck reason do you think that German leftist ‘humanists’ would be giving out statements about a single event in the USA of all places??? Because their function is to do exactly that: churn out

Socialism is not what will fix it. It has never fixed anything.

Above all, what does ‘medicine’ mean? In a market economy with a functioning justice system they have a responsibility to the customer. Doctors are actually afraid of making mistakes. In socialism they can treat people like shit, or more precisely just not treat them. Saves money. The administrators of the bureaucracy

Better to have a socialist bureaucracy just spending the money on administration and kickbacks to politicians and treating patients like they’re in a concentration camp?

...which was looted.

I’m thinking about it.

Haha, when we were teens my friend didn’t break up with his girlfriend even though he wanted to, just because her dad let him drive his Corvette every once in a while.

No, I ridiculed VW Group (and indirectly medias who publish this stuff).

Ok, so the white guys who started F1 (and cars) need to stop being white.

Also bets in as to when Camilleri, CEO of Ferrari and puppet-master to Mattia Binotto the idiot stooge will be let go. It seems that Binotto is just a puppet, and Camilleri is running the team though him -like shit. Also the team having a boss that is a puppet who is remote-controlled is also not the way to run a

They just screwed up the setup in this race. And something in Bottas’ car affected him slightly more, or then Hamilton just ignored orders, risked it, and lucked out as he always does.

Maybe Hamilton hired some antifa guys in the team to reduce Bottas’ white privilege.

I’d like to be a mediocre F1 driver, slightly worse than Perez according to some.