
I think that’s Jeremy Jamm Jr.

Yes, apartment buildings do in fact have their undeniable structural/design advantages. At least with our technology we were able to also make apartment buildings super-insulated just like detached homes, but that tech is very rarely used. Hopefully more in the futre.

At least you didn’t have a situation where out of the blue angry calls from clients start rolling in and the employee is only found months later from abroad...

You’re right. Biden & Co. built a system in which rich chinese will always do just fine, while US suffers.

Remember that Rolls-Royce’s success will make more manual BMW M2's and such possible.

You will be doxxed by someone in 3, 2, 1...

How on earth did you come up with the statement that a Rolls-Royce is not suited to daily driving?

S-Class has not even been better than the 7-series for decades.

What Rolls-Royce model was for sale in those days?

Well, Hillary and Pelosi already let slip that it’s their plan. Sow uncertainty and chaos with the ridiculous mail-in-ballot idiocy and then even when they lose they can either accomplish a coup through corrupt courts or deligitimise Trump’s presidency and make it even more difficult for him with massive unrest, court

I think I should try to buy all popcorn stocks before then and then become the world’s richest man when I sell it all on ebay at 10x the price.

Yeah, my point is that it’s not useful to demonise either way of life. Most people spewing vague, generalised, really in practice useless stuff like in the article are doing so with the motive of taxing/forcing people to do something they don’t want. I’m not saying people are wrong to live in cities, I’m saying don’t

Do they live there by choice, or because they have to? How many people living in New York, who are able to, have second homes or move out when they retire?


Also based on lack of corruption and ideological totalitarianism.

Leftists gotta left.

Statistically where I live the capital city is mostly heated by coal power, and much of the buildings are less efficient old ones. The buses run on diesel and create massive pollution compared to my modern car (but that I can understand to be an unfair comparison at least partly).

Well, in every one of the multiple countries I’ve lived in (most them in Europe) people only really live in cities when they have to. If they have free time: they go to nicer picturesque places (though admittedly also go on holidays into cities, but not really because of that but because that’s where the museums and

I would never choose any overpopulated cockroach nest, ever.

They have nicely edited that picture of Siena to crop out the artery road and highway network all the way around it... Also Siena relies on massive commuting to the larger cities and areas around it. It’s almost as if it’s like a small town center of a larger, even less densely built area than Houston...