
Well, imagine a city where people don’t sit in traffic but they can’t even get to cars or roads at all? They have to either just live a pretty medieval life in that medieval town, or then in a larger overpopulated hellholes they go down into these sewers they call ‘Subways’ and pack into huge traffic jams of people

Surveillance Footage Shows Him Punching Handcuffed Black Man”

The entire time that Ratliff was subdued, one of the officer’s heavy leather tactical boot was on Ratliff’s neck. Another officer kneeled on him.

Whitlock isn’t full of shit. Whitlock provided a solid case for what he means. You can go ahead and try to counter his argumentation. But before you do that, I’d say he is 100% correct.

You spew all that zero-IQ hatemonger bullshit, but you were completely unable to pick apart Jason Whitlock’s 100% correct statements and argumentation. Hell, he’s so right that you didn’t even dare try to refute his true statements!! Because you, asshole, are completely unable to!!

I guess Red Bull will soon be sponsoring a new wing for the penitentiary. “Red Bull Energy Clink”

Are they sure there weren’t any Taiwanese people flying kites with their kids in the area?

Yeah, what a nutjob media this is... They literally have blatant racist black supremacist propaganda blasting on Kinja every day.

That is hundreds of square miles of land belonging to people who want that land, like to live with a bit of nature. Actually when you ask most people in the world what they’d want if they had a choice, they’d want to have a bit of land and their own yard and a house instead of an apartment. So which one is ‘inhuman’ as

Maserati, Alfa Romeo (Giulia, Stelvio & upcoming), BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, Cadillac, and several others have great RWD-based platforms that aren’t horrible, pointlessly compromised pieces of crap like Audi’s (no matter how much talented Audi Engineers try their futile attempt to save the battle already lost in their

So you insane cunts are literally publishing racist movie news now?? Seriously?? Movies literally selected purely based on skin colour?? That’s what’s happening in broad daylight in 2020?

Sure, let me know when you guys on the short bus hear of things like HUD, gesture control and can afford buttons.

Because the Phantom is the in-your-face model in the lineup.

I hear there’s going to be a “Drift Mode” on the new Ghost Black Badge. It uses beefed up, more powerful rear wheel steering motors and an upgraded electronically controlled handbrake to kick out the tail.

Screw you, there is no excuse to mentioning Tesla on the same page as Rolls Royce.

I think Rolls Royce should found a subsidiary in California and name it: Rolls Noyce.

That’s because Audi platforms are shitty FWD-based crap designed idiotically and compromised from the very start.

That doesn’t stop your Jeeves from opening the door.

I agree: the new Phantom is subtly, but clearly a crude and vulgar thing. Looks like late 70's Cadillac style language. Like a hearse.

Who is protesting systemic racism? Whaamilton is just doing what serves him, and is fighting for black racism. He loves trying to hurt his white competitors by bullying them with threats of labelling them. He loves any excuse to finally be in charge after his stupidity having prevented him from doing that so far in