
Wow, you’re really a special kind of stupid.

Suspects get arrested.

You’re not the one who decides that, you thick, narcissist cunt. You are not the king of this country, we the people are. And we the people have decided how the laws are, not your cunty little pencilneck.

You have no clue what you’re spewing. Read my other posts. It’s all there but you are so unfathomably stupid you can’t even understand that they’re doing exactly what the cunt protesters cuntily asked for!!

Your logic = 0.

No, he’s not the one trying to cancel democracy though violence and threat of violence. You fucking cunt rioters are trying to take away the voting power of the meek, infirm, all of the equality and replace it with the power going to who can destroy the most, who holds the biggest bat.

...and you prefer that they would’ve sent a thousand riot police, barricades, horsed, tear gas, water cannons, etc. instead? Make up your mind, cunt!

Go ahead and tell me why stealth was not important? Those fucking (you fucking?) rioters have been raging and crying for a long time that police need to stop ‘provoking them’ with masses of riot brigades etc. This is them not doing that. This is them not bringing in a thousand police, barriccades, armoured vehicles

Why would you say it is not smart? With what expertise in the matter?

Which nation? All of Europe? Canada?

Yes, and those get arrested. How can this be a hard concept to understand? Are there really this many people without any fucking clue about the society they live in and all the other civilised societies around the world with identical practices??

Police do not have uniforms. They do not have highly identifiable police vehicles. Everywhere in the world there are plain-clothes officers, tactically dressed officers, riot-gear-wearing officers, even camouflaged snipers and other specialists. And their vehicles sure as fuck are not always marked, they specifically

Yes, those rioter cunts have cried and cried about police ‘provoking them’ by facing them off in massive numbers. Now that police use non-escalating strategies with minimal escalation of force for only a brief moment, so that they can arrest that one suspect quickly without it turning into a thousand-vs. thousand

No, genius, it was to get her out of there without a thousand people surrounding the officers and turning the events really ugly.

Oh, wow, did you like take 2 hours to think of that 14-year-old-deep statement?? Aw geez, what an intellectual we have here people!!!

So what car should the be driving for you to accept the law? A lada?

Just becuase they have a legal motivation behind their actions doesn’t change what they actually did”

Have fun raging while the rest of us do civilised things in peace, sipping some nice wine!! Have fun screaming your head off changing the dumbest things ever known to man and then getting arrested, cunt!!

So you’re a racist too then. Nice work, cunt.

No, you are wrong. Civilised, educated, intelligent people are not bothered by unmarked cars. Unless you meant the fucking disgusting law-breaking rioters destroying property and trying to destroy democracy through violent? Cunt.