More Mellotron

It's more that the acting is so bad in places and the main character so unimpressive that it seems worse than it is. It's probably no worse than most of S2 of DD minus Bernthal's bits.

They're also voters. Just sayin'

No, Fred Durst, but the confusion is understandable. (Rob Sheffield, 11/24/2000 Mailbag response to 11/23/2000 Review)

You're doing the Lord's work here. Never forget.

I highly recommend Breaker, Breaker, which is kind of hysterical to begin with.

Now I'm wishing Foghorn Leghorn was our Attorney General.

I imagine there's a whole field of study on 70s Disney movie costume design.

There's a fairly specific generation of boys who saw the second Witch Mountain movie at the right age who would not dispute that.

It's the despair, it spices up any meal.

A joke around A Clockwork Orange seems obvious in hindsight.

It can be 756 things.

I'm pretty sure Jar-Jar is smarter than half the US Senate. Conservatively.

10/10, would repost on Facebook feed

Exactly. This is 3D chess stuff here.

There's always waiting in empty parking lots for day laborer work.

7/10, no sign of "libtard" phrasing.

Maybe it isn't "either we hold them or we do nothing". I imagine somebody could come up with an effective political act or protest that could be held in lieu of the business as usual award show if they tried.

I don't think that lineup was physically capable of producing anything that bad.

I've been dreading it since his heart attack, but this still sucks.

I was amazed how into it they were, after I'd seen a pretty down Yes performance from Howe literally months earlier. Really rocking show.