More Mellotron

My fav by far…Easy Money is just perfection to me.

This may be the Genesis of our healing as a country.

That would be an obvious choice for me, but I feel like in prog circles he wouldn't be viewed as underrated.

I feel like most of the ones I like wouldn't be considered underrated. I'm tempted to say Rick Wright.

I worship surprisingly few of the "big" keyboardists in prog, my favorite being self-evident from my avatar, I'm more of a guitar/drums guy. But that instrument…

Gotta jump on them prog threads when they show up.

I thought about rephrasing that, and then I thought…nah, this is my gift to the community.

It's hard to keep arguing about all the horrible choices and weird, premature inductions now that some of the great prog bands are finally getting in. Feels like it's time to just accept that there's lots of stuff I don't like in there and everybody else feels the same way.

And we're all out of hot wings!

That's because we saved Joan Collins, but eventually fate takes over.

Given the comma, I'd ask whether the drinks or the people smelled bad, but I know it can be two things.

Hmm, lot of talk about trade negotiations lately. Checks out.

It's not scientifically accurate? Uh oh, there goes the whole basis of my Trump vote: candidate most likely to construct a train traveling around a world destroyed by global cooling.

Well…hmm, we have the chickens, we have the fox, I guess what we need is some kind of larger animal to guard the fox guarding the henhouse. How about a bear? Hey, a Russian bear! Problem solved.

At this point, I tend to view the President as the guy who keeps Congress from doing too much damage.

Joke's on you, tonight's campaign features the PCs involving themselves in the local election for hamlet council.

I think it's still taking itself just ever so slightly too seriously to fully embrace how silly it could be.

I would too if that other company wasn't Google.

True story: my aunt and uncle lived next door to those Yankovics.

I can only imagine what such a statesman might look like, but I know there aren't any in Congress, so, umm, not feeling the sympathy.