More Mellotron

Guess I'm the outlier, I love several songs on that album, title track in particular.

If you mean AHM, no, I love it, it's one of my favorite PF songs, probably my favorite of the "insane epics" from that period. Sorry, lousy threading with Disqus, I was talking about the "Alan's".

I have many, many bootlegs burned, most everything that ever got recorded, but it's pretty much exclusively the 70-72 shows I listen to.

You're doing God's work, somebody has to listen to it.

Jesus, even I can't stand that mess, and I'll listen to damn near anything.

I tend to dismiss these lists more for what's on the bottom than what's on the top.

I probably don't want to know where he put Atom Heart Mother, do I?

Saw it in Cleveland (and I was/am both a huge PT fan and a KC fan, but wasn't expecting KC when I saw he was opening).

Apropos of nothing, I hated Talking Heads for the most part, but when I finally heard the early 80s incarnation of Crim, I liked it a lot and thought that was what other people must have been getting from TH. Maybe the influence went the other way.

Not sure I'd call it proto-. Lot of PH covers by newer prog bands.

I saw him open for Porcupine Tree and he was doing the Frippertronics thing then also. When he started doing that, it was during the analog to digital transition and he was doing things by "hand" so to speak that were actually innovative, but at this point it's all digital and you're basically thinking "so, my iPad

The world will be cold and dead, and the 700 Club will still have its lifetime deal to air on Intergalactic Family Time Channel 87645.

I will refrain from doing so in the future. I found your comment humorous and self-deprecating, but obviously you didn't care for the response so point taken.

And I'm 5'4", we all have our crosses to bear. It wasn't intended to be mean-spirited.

Glue back hair to head, another problem solved.

I'll quote Roger Waters: it's the bravery of being out of range.

The AV Club

I don't begrudge anybody their optimism, but I don't share it unfortunately. I only vacillate between the question of whether these voters were voting purely out of spite or if they are actually stupid enough to believe what he promised. I'd rather believe it's spite, because a country full of people this stupid is

My guess why? Most of them are upset he hasn't actually done some of the more ugly things he promised to do. People aren't suddenly waking up.

I'm now pretty much going to be crushed if it doesn't.