
Why is this a positive review than?! D:

Damn those Cazadores

As a huge Paul fan and a fan of Destiny (love/hate), this is...

I love it when PC games have native support for Xbox controllers, it's truly great.

I know I should be wishing that the next GTA goes somewhere new, but I'd really like to see 1980's Vice City on current-gen.

somebody do this glitch with Sonic please!

I'll be double dipping on PC in January.

Moments like these are what I love about kotaku

You know what really irritated me the most about this? Burbank is a reporter on Television, which is ALSO something people waste their lives watching. I just pictured someone watching his report and going "My God, he's right!" and turning off their TV and going outside. Does he not realize many people also escape

Oh right, I totally forgot I read about this guy awhile back:


You're just angry he's not eating it out of a bread bowl.

The books were better.

My wife went to the store for soup soon after I showed her this. Someone call Campbells!


Get it - REACHing?

This just in: Windows 9 developed by Satan