How about when someone uses it to upload malicious code for the masses to consume? This isn’t just about getting lame not-games onto steam.
How about when someone uses it to upload malicious code for the masses to consume? This isn’t just about getting lame not-games onto steam.
Was going to post that and this.
Typical of a Boston sports fan to step on so many toes like this. Someone who made a Cardinals mod would have done it The Right Way.
This man deserves all the shame he will get for this, and some.
Press X.
Good composers borrow. Great composers steal.
Was that sarcasm? Because besides useless over-the-top blur, this game looks 2010.
id like for them to buy ubisoft and EA and then destroy their clients so that I can play all of my games just from steam, and not have fractured friend lists and shitty software from stupid fucking companies.
The narrative is that it was a tsunami, so natural causes. Nuking their cities would have been a total Ghandi move.
There's a joke to be made here about wiping out Japanese cities when Japan is causing too much trouble.
Too soon?
Typical UNMC propaganda. We all know John is a saint.
Hey everyone, this guy hates this.
Why should i care that you hate it if you don't give any reasons?
My favorite WoW moment was playing the game at launch with my then-girlfriend. She took over my account after seeing me play it for five minutes, forcing me to go out and buy my own copy. She played a warrior, and for 25 levels she plowed her way through enemy after enemy. But things soon started getting tough.
This is one of those things that made Halo so great, and every other element is equally as unpredictable. Hopefully Halo 5 gets some of this back.
Playing pool with a bullet.
THREE SIXTY NO SC...oh fuck it.
That is fucking bonkers.