
Woah, woah, woah... Call of Duty: Ghosts requires more than this, and Titanfall looks twice as better as CoD. Alright.

So, Chivalry with story and bad UI.

People aren't going to be too happy with the subscription fee. Unless, of course, hardcore ESO fans are already here and will be willing to pay such a thing like WoW. Because WoW was worth it, and ESO doesn't seem to be so far.

They should just add Todd the Vegan from Scott Pilgrim, and all will be good.

Tech demo for Knack 2?

I think that was the end of my time on the internet....

"I got some upcoming gigs, almost a terabyte." I lost it... Other than that, what in the heck...?

This was really hard to watch...

Avengant Glyph | Oculus Rift. Sounds similar in a way..

Is that Todd from Breaking Bad?..

The penny whistle is a wonderful thing. I love it and play one, myself.

Actually the rarest game is Killswitch. If it ever existed, that is.

Thank you! Somebody else says something!

In my opinion, everything after Halo 3/ODST were and will be terrible.

My question is, how the heck could you get some of these wrong?...

"Do not go in the adult section. Do not go in the adult section." -Duncan Harris

What the hell is wrong with Japan?

Scariest game 2013-2014.

I hate that stupid Poke'mon kid.

Several weeks after the open-world sequel's record-breaking release, sources told Eurogamer Rockstar was planning on launching a PC version of their blockbuster title in the first quarter of 2013, ostensibly mirroring the launch pattern for the Grand Theft Auto IV. Though, as Jason pointed out, there were eight months