Gillian Holroyd

Why not try again?

And didn’t part of her tweet rampage last night basically include calling Midler old and Moretz an unknown? She can disagree with whatever the hell they said about her but then she stooped. She’s not better than.

But none of her family are comfortable in their own skin. They are comfortable in what they’ve created along with plastic surgeons and “dermatologists”

You think she actually wrote this? You really think she stands for anything besides mindless consumption and base hucksterism?

It always seems to come back around to my sex tape. Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO. Literally that lonnng ago. And people still want to talk about it?!?!

Except...she doesn’t show her flaws, nor does she accept herself the way she is, and neither does her husband.

Man, I wish I could shop Aerie but I can’t cuz I’m plus size. I’m glad they feature models of varying sizes, but if you don’t have plus sizes, you shouldn’t get praise for being diverse and body positive. That’s just my opinion tho.

Okay. There has been so much talk-up about Aerie in the hollowed-walls of Jezzie that I had to go there myself. Imagine my unending disappointment when I found that they don’t carry bras in any sizes larger than a D in store. I was really hoping that a fresh brand would help my bra woes, but alas, it was not meant to

I just wish my parents (specifically my father) would stop calling me to talk about things he sees on Facebook.

I was a kid during the trial, so I never really noticed what OJ looked like. Now I see pictures of him during the trial, and, yep, he was an incredibly good looking man.

Its not the slutiness people are calling her out for, it’s the desperation. She’s an attention whore to the nth degree. I dislike Piers but if you read his article it discusses just that.

I also hate when they share to Jez from Gawker main page because I will click sometimes and go straight to the comments not realizing that it’s a gawker article until I get to the awful awful comments.

The writer meant to say that the liability or penalty was split between the perpetrator and the hotel, not that the “award” was split. They publish everything here without anyone else reading it, for some reason.

it’s not just you. I had to reread it to figure that out. I think it may be worded poorly

Isn’t it fascinating that a piece about the sexual harassment women face at work makes these men go, “But what about my dating options!” instead of feeling sympathy for their female coworkers?

You can’t gently point something out to someone who you are calling a silly cow.

No, no, these are the same guys who shit on literature majors, because that’s a “useless girl thing”, although that may be redundant, because what is useless to humanity and devoid of any value, if not all girl things, right?

My experience in STEM is that the really nerdy guys are actually the ones who are easiest to get along with. It’s the guys who are basically regular guys pretending to be nerds, or thinking they’re nerds, who are the problem. The issue here isn’t lack of social skills, it’s male entitlement.

I mean, this is mostly fine.

I think the fact that a black person is the “uneducated” Ghostbuster again is actually fueling the controversy.