I’ll never forget the junior prom.
I’ll never forget the junior prom.
IME, being an American is hardly exotic or even desirable to most Europeans. I couldn’t order coffee without someone informing me that my country sucks.
Is that a “time machine” Mayim Bialik?
It’s the same phenomenon as the Tea Party. It’s the radical wing of the party that’s more interested in purity tests than in actually getting shit done. Just like the Tea Party thinks the GOP will actually overturn Obamacare in Congress overiding Obama’s veto, Bernie voters think he can actually get free secondary…
I agree. It’s very disappointing, and frankly, I am VERY concerned for the future of the Democratic Party if things continue on this way. While I like Bernie’s ideas for single-payer healthcare and free college, he has no feasible plans to implement them if elected. His healthcare plan alone is at least a trillion…
trump in the general election would be terrifying. i can’t see how he could win, but then i can’t see how he’s come this far.
Hillary Clinton’s 3-page memo to the media really makes it sound like she’s not expecting to win the nomination, period =\ ... And the talk I’m hearing regarding Sanders ground game in South Carolina seem to support that conclusion =\ .
I’m sorry, is this Mrs. Godbold from the sixth grade demanding homework?
............... Julie Delphy made that dumbass quote.
How is this a troll when so many people feel this way? Go on, ask people what their favorite movie is. See how many of them match the person you just asked the question to.
YES! I don’t hate her because 1) she can act and 2) she is striking while the iron is hot. I am more mad at directors, producers and casting agents who aren’t looking for new talent but keep on returning to the same small pool over and over again.
I’m a hetero white dude. I don’t need to see people who look like me, or are anything like me, to enjoy a TV show or movie. I don’t understand people who do. Heck, one of my favorite films is “Spirited Away” which has a little Japanese girl as a protagonist. That’s about as far away from my personal experience as you…
..but they still got 90% of the dialogue! Am I right, fellas?...fellas?
After months of reading stuff, I've finally signed up for an account so that I could tell you how much I love this comment. Thank you.
Habitat for Huge Manatees.
That exchange is what stood out to me the most out of this whole sad story. Shirani’s response to that woman was perfect on so many levels because it demonstrates the perversity of religion, and specifically religion in the context of a country with no separation of church and state. The only way for a woman not to…
You see it in rape allegations as well. “He never tried to rape me, so you’re obviously lying!” Why rapists and harassers can’t pick and choose their targets seems beyond many people.
“It was really interesting because a lot of the actors said, ‘Well, what’s Noah’s arc?” Sparks explained in a recent IMDB interview. “It’s a guy who falls in love and then he just kinda does nothing, and then waits for her to show up, and then he’s there and he’s still in love and then at the end of the film, well,…