Gillian Holroyd

I’m guessing many of them also have jobs that are high-ranked enough where they’re expected to be checking email at 11 pm and working weekends, without ever reaching the truly exalted levels that let you just say “fuck it” and go to the spa for the afternoon. I’ve seen that in action for years now. They THINK that if

There was a bisexual woman she made out with in one episode, where she talked about having experimented a little in college. But ultimately she decided not to date her.

Kourtney looks fantastic. I’m kind of hoping she dates women now that Scott is out of the picture - she hinted at being bi in an episode I saw and let’s face it, Kris would love the fresh plotline for the show.

To me it’s creepy that law enforcement’s involvement is going to ensure the pictures are seen by adults who were never intended to be recipients. “Let’s collect all these naked pics of underage teenagers and treat them as evidence, humiliating them and violating their privacy! Then we can bring charges against them to

This seems to be a never-ending dynamic, though it shifts over time.

I particularly loathe the mandatory movie scene of the popular girls flouncing down a hallway/sidewalk together, hair and tits bouncing, with smug expressions. They make a snide comment then flounce off. It’s just so horrible and cliched and nothing like real life in my experience. Mean girls exist, sure, but their

I would have loved more murderers - Ted Bundy, obviously, and Ed Gein would have made for some amazing visuals styled by Ryan Murphy. (Nipple necklace anyone?)

At this point in my AHS journey, I don’t expect the show to make sense so I just sit back and enjoy the visuals and general nuttiness. This season has been exceptionally pretty and the soundtrack sings right to my heart. A serial killer dinner party? Jeff Dahmer? Yes, yes, yes.

I’ll tell a story that still bothers me quite a bit.

I got a message like that on an answering machine (back in the day) from a relative who killed themselves. Very staticky but definitely her voice - only she wasn’t screaming, she just sounded confused and kept asking for me. Came home from work and there it was.

Plus we have Norman Reedus kind of spoiling Glenn’s death at SDCC when he said the death he wished he could change was Glenn’s. We knew this was coming.

Yeah, the way that was filmed seemed to imply that she didn’t just find it and walk up to the gate. It was an odd editing choice and I think it had to mean something.

Exactly. Remember that Garrett (or someone) marked the church where they were hiding out with an A. The show wouldn’t randomly have an A for the Terminus people and then an A stamp in Alexandria - it has to mean something.

It’s hard to say how it’s impacted things behind the scenes. As someone who went through a very minor sex scandal, my career looks pretty great right now - but people have no idea of the job opportunities I’ve lost, the people who’ve behaved inappropriately to me as a result and the general reputation I carry to this

Lucky Charms was my favorite midnight cereal snack. It just tastes so much better late at night than as breakfast. Its hollow sugary decadence is its charm.

I’m bisexual and my straight male friends are mystified as to how I “do so well” with women. I tell them that sex starts the moment you meet her - initial attraction is great, but it’s about how you treat her that builds the attraction into sexual tension and nurtures it into incredible sex. Make women feel hot and

Thank you! This drives me crazy with so many studies - since when are college students considered representative of all people? Especially given what we know of sexual development? Few people are sexually identical at 35 to who they were at 20.

If only Afterlife came out on anything like a regular schedule, it’d be even better. But the publication schedule (or should I say near-disappearance) has killed the momentum of this book.

This is on the literary side, not Hollywood, but the Countess also seemed inspired by Angela Carter’s Lady of the House of Love - a vampire Countess who loves pretty young men.

If this was a group of senior citizens taking selfies, would you feel as certain of their narcissism and inability to connect to the world around them? That’s a hell of an assumption to make from a brief clip. Lots of people take selfies. I see nerds doing it at Comic-Con, skater kids doing it at the park, volunteers