Why though? Just in principle? I tried it on my TJ and hated it.
Why though? Just in principle? I tried it on my TJ and hated it.
Funny how we may all argue and differ on the idea of the “Best” car, but we all tend to agree on the “Worst.”
You also have to consider that the inspector’s phrasing was specifically chosen so as not to induce a widespread panic amongst Fiesta owners. I think he’s really trying to emphasize the fact that this was not a manufacturing error but a modding error.
D.B. Pooper
You fake the mileage at the end of the month for your reports like everyone else that how!
You fake the mileage at the end of the month for your reports like everyone else that how!
The parking location is free with no subscription required.
The parking location is free with no subscription required.
So 2 of 10 “clever uses for WD-40 that don’t involve lubricating” actually involve lubricating?
It’s sad that they didn’t even try to make it look good. The design goal was “What’s the most Chevy-looking Chevy we can make?”
Found the Trump voter.
Found the Trump voter.
There are places my four door will go that two doors can’t and vice versa. Big ledges and steps are a place where the four door will shine. There are lots of those in Moab and I hear folks complain that the long wheelbase makes it too easy.
In reality, when you factor in maintenance costs, the thieves are estimated to have lost about $200k.
More people voted for Clinton though.
Alot of people voted for Trump, does that make them right?
Considering Lexus’ sales are up over 40% since the pre-spindle days, I’m going to say you’re wrong and the majority of the population likes the spindle grille.
So we arrest a VW executive because a diesel engine emits a bit more pollution than is acceptable, but bankers who crashed the country and made off with billions after the 2008 crash walk free?
Republican lawmakers think they can control him.
# MADAISNAID (Make America Do As I Say, Not As I Do)