MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I was going to say Beast Boy had a serious growth spurt, but then I realized he was perched on a cement divider behind the other two.

that Raven cosplay is amazinnnnnnnnnnnnng

Now we need some Lady Legasus cosplay...

I wonder what’s more ridiculous though, MGS4 having little to 0 gameplay or that story.

There you go

Well that’s what he gets for sleeping with green paint.

Beast Boy looks like a Frodo cosplayer got pranked while he was asleep with green paint.

Now playing

This is a hilarious combination of the ridiculousness of Hideo Kojima and Twitch’s mods.

...I mean, it’s basically an interactive movie at that point

reminds me of that one stream someone did of MGS4 where a twitch mod almost banned him bcz he thought he was streaming a movie since there wasnt any gameplay in over 60 mins. he had to pause mid cutscene to prove it was a game. it was kinda ridiculous.

you are looking for jezebel, not kotaku.

Really? You jumped to racism?! Because if a kid of ANY background came into my store to do that and so often, instead of hanging with friends or going home, I also might wonder what his home life was like. Because it’s a plausible reason for that kind of escapism. Not the only reason, but a plausible one nonetheless.

I didn’t think it because he was black, but because he was spending his free time at a store instead of home. It did worry me, but I’m glad it has a good resolution

I hope this is a joke. Because if not, you’re the one bringing race into this. I didn’t say anything about it. And what kind of racist would I be if I volunteered at a after school program? I don’t think many other racists help the community, but who knows. Do you?

I didn’t say that he had a bad home life because he was black. Just that crap happens. Good to hear though. I wasn’t able to watch the video where I was at.

My crackhead step dad did this with my ps2 back in the day. He’s dead now :D

Tried? Best Buy actually banned me!

That’s exactly my point when people try to say they did this just so he would leave. Loitering is illegal they could have easily been dickheads and had him forcibly removed.

When I was about his age I’d go to Toys R’Us after school to play Goldeneye on their display N64.