MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Your comment was very stupid in the fourth-grade “I’m rubber you’re glue” style of arguing. I really hope you don’t make successfully arguing things your profession. You seem to be terrible at it and would be broke in no time.

Nor does NatronimusMaximus need your permission. :p

I remember the Law and Order version of this!

I’m making a lasagna, for one.

I just put a new machine together over the last few days. I hooked up an all-in-one liquid cooler and booted everything up and my core temps were around 18°C. I was estatic as my older machine was hovering around 31°C at idle.

Only three times? Amateur.

99 problems but pooing in public ain’t one, eh? /highfive

BT can suck a donkey’s dick with all this patent trolling bullshit. /juvenile for life!

You can’t change your post, but if you take a deep breath and relax you can feel the irritation drain from your fingers.

Welcome to the after-blog-life.

It’s harder to get good than it is to suck. One requires effort. The other requires being you! :3


Yeah, I’m not paying to play your version of a game. Some people will relish it, but I don’t think your vision will ever top sales charts. Or... actually make it to sales charts.

It’s saying “hey, you’re skilled at this game! Here’s a fun reward for you.”

Developer Respawn listens to players, decides that there is no such thing as winning or losing while playing Titanfall 2.

I had an i7-970. =( Skylake here I come, though!

My motherboard and possibly CPU (haven’t tested it but I’m not confident) fried over the weekend. This is when I start browsing Kinja deals.

You purist you.

Kinja deals have been very helpful. At finding things I’ve wanted at a discount and getting me to spend more money than I need to. -_-

In the grand scheme of things, players don’t want a fair and balanced atmosphere. They want ‘edges’ and advantages. Sounds like they’re taking an advantage with coaching and Value has said nu uh, knock that shit off.