Your comment was very stupid in the fourth-grade “I’m rubber you’re glue” style of arguing. I really hope you don’t make successfully arguing things your profession. You seem to be terrible at it and would be broke in no time.
Your comment was very stupid in the fourth-grade “I’m rubber you’re glue” style of arguing. I really hope you don’t make successfully arguing things your profession. You seem to be terrible at it and would be broke in no time.
Nor does NatronimusMaximus need your permission. :p
I remember the Law and Order version of this!
I’m making a lasagna, for one.
I just put a new machine together over the last few days. I hooked up an all-in-one liquid cooler and booted everything up and my core temps were around 18°C. I was estatic as my older machine was hovering around 31°C at idle.
Only three times? Amateur.
99 problems but pooing in public ain’t one, eh? /highfive
BT can suck a donkey’s dick with all this patent trolling bullshit. /juvenile for life!
You can’t change your post, but if you take a deep breath and relax you can feel the irritation drain from your fingers.
Welcome to the after-blog-life.
It’s harder to get good than it is to suck. One requires effort. The other requires being you! :3
Yeah, I’m not paying to play your version of a game. Some people will relish it, but I don’t think your vision will ever top sales charts. Or... actually make it to sales charts.
It’s saying “hey, you’re skilled at this game! Here’s a fun reward for you.”
Developer Respawn listens to players, decides that there is no such thing as winning or losing while playing Titanfall 2.
I had an i7-970. =( Skylake here I come, though!
My motherboard and possibly CPU (haven’t tested it but I’m not confident) fried over the weekend. This is when I start browsing Kinja deals.
You purist you.
Kinja deals have been very helpful. At finding things I’ve wanted at a discount and getting me to spend more money than I need to. -_-
In the grand scheme of things, players don’t want a fair and balanced atmosphere. They want ‘edges’ and advantages. Sounds like they’re taking an advantage with coaching and Value has said nu uh, knock that shit off.