MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

If I can’t fix it in twenty minutes with some Google-fu, it’s still for a fresh install. If a fresh reinstall of Windows doesn’t fix it, it’s hardware. Time to bust out the physical memtester I have and work my way down the components.

I rofl’ed at this. Thanks.

Kinja has been squirrely to hell for a couple of months now. There was a asset that kept freezing IE/Firefox whenever you scrolled the comment sections. That seems to have resolved it on on my end, which is FF on Win 7. But I have to reload every single page once to get the Kinja script to work - else comments won’t

I second the hate and have enough salt to smother people to death. See above, with people going “I go 15:1 with She’s balanced!” Now we know why they don’t want her nerfed. :p

Consoles equal ease of use, all the way around. No hardware to worry about and a game that, for all intent and purpose, works when you run it.

Well, the Republicans hate minorites, too! And promise to end welfare for them lazy no-good minorities! Because how DARE they tax us and give it to them! Plus, the Republicans love Christmas! ‘Cuz fuck Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings! So what if they’re pro-business and anti-blue collar people! /just ugh

Trump supporters are angry, angry for everything shitty that has ever happened to them and it’s always the fault of the niggers, wetbacks, etc. It’s never their fault, ever. I have family like this and it’s just... sad.

I’m going to have to see some data before I can remotely agree. Right now it’s all anecdotal. :3

Sycophants, the lot of ‘em!

Out of the grey with you, this one post! (All the power I have.)

Like rats fleeing from a sinking ship, Patrick. Good luck on your future endeavors!

As an outsider who couldn’t care less if Pokemon Go went up in a cloud of smoke overnight, it is interesting to see how people are reacting to this.

Because I am a mostly functioning member of society. Enough of one that I had to choke back the laughter at your original comment.

“Unless it was Anna/Elsa. Then I’d have to check out and go home my bunk

It appears medicine has allowed a veritable bumper crop of mental health issues to survive in a world that would have normally thinned this particular herd out a long time ago.

Oh fuck, you can’t seriously even be a functioning member of society with that thought process.

Apparently if you type in Fiona Apple, one of the autofill searches is “What happened to Fiona Apple.” So I don’t think you’re alone in wondering.

Meh, as long as you got at least one port just throw a gigabit switch on it for wired support.

I got two Nighthawks to take care of my routing needs. I may have given this little device a little if I hadn’t just bought the second one, though. But for the life of me, I can’t see replacing one or both of them for this at this junction.

It creates an unfair battlefield in a space where this division doesn’t exist, nor doesn’t need to exist. As I said, you got PC with your preferred method of controller, we don’t want or need K+M on the console.