MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

This issue is, why do people love 7 now even though that upgrade didn’t go entirely swimmingly well for everyone, either?

I just want my triple A DX12 games to be released. Battlefield 1 may be my first DX12 game purchase. But then again, it’s on PC and dealing with cheaters is so fucking exhausting... sigh, so I may pick it up on consoles.

Come on, let’s be honest here. ;) You hate having to learn something new and disguise this behind “pfft, stupid clever design my ass.”

I haven’t changed my mobo lately but every time I do I’ve had to get on the automated phone system and say this license has only been used on one computer to get it to activate.

Your mom called Xbox support and said “can I return my child? This one is defective. I didn’t abort during the 30 day window but can you help me?” :3

Shep, I’ve been looking for a triple monitor stand for awhile now. A lot of the ones on Amazon have stellar reviews until you check out the 1-2 star ratings and suddenly it feels like the 4-5 stars may have been bought. Makes a person paranoid to purchase them!

Shep, I’ve been looking for a triple monitor stand for awhile now. A lot of the ones on Amazon have stellar reviews

I understand that we’re dealing with violence against women in society, currently. We’re addressing rape, spousal abuse, harassment (especially on the internet and definitely in the realm of ‘video gaming’ ala the retarded GamerGate munchkins) murder and what not. These things are not okay and should be talked about,

I recommended your post so you’d be out of the grey. Usually, I agree that context is important in a situation. Much unlike our comment system, things are usually more than black and white (grey.)

I can respect that, even if I don’t agree.

Men killing men? AWESOME! Men killing women? BAD! Either all this murder simulation nonsense needs to stop or it’s very fucking sexist to consider one gender murder worthy and not the other. Combine this with the fact that the protagonist of the story is female?! Suddenly it’s “sick shit on the internet.”

Listen up:

I rarely feel hateful towards my opponents. My teammates, on the other hand... if I could boot them from the Internet with the power of my mind, there’d be a Kotaku article about it by now. Grr.

Ha! She is ah-MEI-zing!

Is it wrong if the roast beef never finds out about the smoked turkey? I’m young and want to play the field, not be tied down to a particular meat just yet.

Now I have a song stuck in my head.

Now I want a sandwich. I wonder if Dr. Nerdlove can counsel me on my desire to have said sandwich and my lack of it. Do I really want a sandwich? Or is it just because I don’t have a sandwich? :( Do I give up my current plans for dinner to have a sandwich or do I try to fit one in on the side? I know that’s cheating,

LOL I meant Nancy Drew didn’t want to acknowledge YOUR comment. I fucked up. :)

The issue is people wield the “stop politicizing a tragedy” only when it fits their agenda. The same people, they very same people, will politicize a tragedy if it fits their world view to do so.

Wow, and you’re the one in the gray. I guess kattahn doesn’t want to acknowledge your comment.