MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Storm the compound, rescues those who want to leave, shoot any staff who interfere. At this point, it seems religious persecution is necessary. What? If guns are a no-no and need to be banned around these parts, Thiel can sue Gawker into silence, why should freedom of religion be important anymore these days?

I can't stand having people behind me. All the potential for seat kicking, loud munchers behind me, the possibility of a troll tossing shit. No thanks, I'll take the very most back row.

Pre-ordering DLC loot? Jesus, that's taking season passes up a notch, innit?

Serious question, though. Out of fifteen people on my friend's list only two still play Destiny. I haven't touched it since the Halloween event.

I can’t wait! Combined with the Dva boost, there will be blood, McCreed.

‘Cuz I'm usually the support role already surrounded by a sea of jackass Dvas and Roadhogs.

Hanzo’s arrow doesn’t have drop off, though. And I can support making the arrows a tad bit harder to get a headshot. It doesn’t have to be as extreme as changing tickrates or anything.

I played a game with a Hog that had an 80% hook rate and we pub stopped the opposition. I was a Mei and he had my back like NDGT. It was MOON GLORIOUS.

What do you mean? Every game is "make the rules up - we're playing Call of Duty! No, we refuse to get on the point! My KD!" Ugh

Can McCree get kills that aren't fan the hammer? High noon non-withstanding. :p

45 kills as Soldier 76 during a KoTH match. PoTG, even! 3 votes for me (including my own), 5 votes for the healer on the opposing side, 4 people didn’t vote. /faceplant

To be fair, I still don't like how easy his headshots are with the bow, ancients be damned. I get your point, though.

There's a difference between facts and opinions. Your example would be a factually based error on your part. Now, if you said the ocean was too cold to swim in, that would be an opinion - and one a lot of people wouldn't agree with you on but it would still be correct for you.

Because I don’t like em! Seriously, he’s an asshole sniping with a bow and arrow. I concede it's a bit harder since the arrow has a trajectory and the Widow's is a simple hitscan shot, but the hitboxes are ridiculous and too forgiving for his arrows. You only have to get one in the vague area of the head and bam,

You have guessed my shame accurately. =(

My problem is the soundbar I have in my bedroom has an energy saving "off" mode after a period of time of inactivity. :/ It doesn't auto-wake.

Between friends, family, and co-workers coming to me it's helpful to have this stuff around. Considering the local repair shops are charging hundreds of dollars for simply routine stuff, I'd rather do it for twenty bucks and get goodwill out of it. Comes in handy when I need someone to mow my lawn for me because I'm

That’s her role, though. And I’m not wrong. I can’t be wrong, since it’s an opinion. You can disagree with it all you like. You can suck that Hanzo dick until you need a stomach pump to save your life. I will stand by my “FUCK. THAT. DUDE” all day long and it makes no fucking sense that he’s her counter. The huge hit