MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

P.S. Konami was first a jukebox rental/repair business. It's always intriguing to see how these companies started.

A Dance Dance pachinko machine could be... interesting?

Shadow bans are worse than a notification that says "bam, get the fuck out of here." They let you continue to comment and not realize they aren't being seen.

I agree with letting the orb last longer out of sight but disagree with the rest. Zenyatta is a monster with a little range and that discord orb. With a single tank protecting him, it’s a wrap. Let a Reinhart protect you while you discord orb kill every tank on the opposing sideand your teammates close down the

Just about every match now has a Zenyatta. Once people found out the discord orb can melt anyone in a 1 on 1 confrontation, suddenly you can’t get away from the floating omnic of doom. It is fun making Roadhog run for his life.

No, you're believing one woman versus another. You're using bias, not facts, to make a judgment. And if you read, like really read instead of dismissing my comment out of hand, you'll see I'm not defending Depp either. But bless your heart, tell me again to "take it to Reddit" again. It speaks volumes about you.

My comment is going to sound naïve and I apologize for that. We’re going through a cultural shift thanks to the Internet. It’s... an evolution of interaction that humanity hasn’t been prepared for. As such, we need to culturally deal with anonymity and do more to raise children who simply don’t act this way. While my

Ah, but if two people who have more knowledge than us say it’s false and only one person says its true, why should we automatically assume in favor of the single person? Right now all that this entire community, no, the world, can say is "maybe / maybe not" but this jumping to conclusion thing is more human nature

I asked, which does not automatically label you as anything.

Is Jay a gamergater, perhaps? Death threats are pervasive cultural issue and needs to be discussed. Why should Jason not post this here? He has a voice and an audience to discuss this with.

Confirmation bias. I'm sure it's been a huge important evolutionary trait for humanity, but fuck me if it isn't a detriment, sometimes.

Gamer Generation. We're discussing the gamer culture because we're on Kotaku but death threats via the Internet aren't just a gaming issue. People take their 'filters' off because there is little to no threat for doing so.

Anonymity is a double edged sword, but it also cuts for us as well as against us. Don't give up freedom for safety.

Are you posting as 1jaxstate1 (or some other pseudonym) and therefore can shrug off the death threats? Or are you posting with your real first and last name, where your location can be discovered by a horde of death threat wielding froth breathers?

I'm hoping teenagers whose brain hasn't fully formed, yet, and they don't understand the ramifications of their toxic and immature behavior. Some people never grow out of that, though, sadly. And the Internet gives them a voice they have never had before.

I'm in no way saying the upgrade is without flaws and sometimes doesn't require a good clean install to help fix issues, but if it worked with 7 I have a very confident 95% belief that it will work in 10. Unless it was running in "XP compatibility mode" and those settings didn't transfer over. Luckily Windows 10 is

The obsolescent nature of technology will force your hand eventually. C'est la vie and good luck!

We only truly shine during moments in the blackest dark. A helping hand is always nice and appreciated but it becomes a miraculous lifeline during the worst of storms. Clichés, yes, but true.

The only thing you can do is cope, I guess. But keep in mind, not everything in the EULA is enforceable. You still have the right to sue Microsoft should there be some calamitous reason to do so.