MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I blame the success of BO2 for the spate of “OMG, we got to put people in jump packs and a virtual reality simulator!” These futuristic games are attracting people who didn't like the COD franchise previously while it's very off putting to the people who favored a more traditional approach to the franchise.

Actually, it isn’t Call of Duty in the sense of what people come to expect and they're not thrilled by it. But yes, disparage people for it with comments that they're nothing but trollish children gamers - the type of comment I'd indeed expect from such a group.

You mean COD Buzz Lightyear Edition.

You’re a mirror unto yourself.

Yes, Kotaku and io9 is involved with harassing women IRL and driving them from their homes. You sure have their numbers! Especially that io9 crowd, with their obsession with GoT and why can’t the Doctor be Black or a Woman. Such a bastion of angry MRAs! Pretending to all be “why does MOffit not respect women!?” and

Pretty sure John Dies At The End.

No one enjoys being painted with a broad brush, but many enjoy painting others.

I don't hear the shrill 10 year old kids because I head straight to party chat, even if I'm playing solo. I don't need to hear the average COD mic user getting all pissed off when they lose.

I want the MW remake. I don't want the Buzz Lightyear version. I will pay you $60, Activision, for the full multiplayer remake. I don't even care about the campaign. If I buy this next installment it'll because I view it as a $60 remake with a $20 future add-on. Good luck getting me to touch the Space DLC, though.

My reaction was a little more DAFUQ? But yours is close enough.

Troll involvement is like beauty, though. We can’t always describe it, we know it when we see it, but it’s definition changes based on who you ask. Community / troll = tomato / tomatoh. This community itself should know a little something about Lycopene, you know what I'm saying?

Words that also have no meaning anymore: Feminazi / MRAs. They've become literally the same word, only gendered.

Social media without the community's involvement (for good or ill) is no longer social media.

Harassment. That's the word you use in this instance.

Powerful people like to accuse others of bullying them because it waters down the word. It sands the edge off of bullying until it becomes a smooth marble, incapable of cutting them.

Dark Souls franchise has a series mode: Watch someone else play it. Really, you want the story but not the difficulty? Read a book about it, perhaps.

I prefer MW1, but I do like me some Crash from MW2.

Oh hey... "Quite nice if you don't mind a little cousin k".. I'm intrigued! "killing"... oh, not what I uh had in mind.

Drug Warfare. FTFY.

Chucklefuck checking in: The OP is deliberately trolling. What good would it be to continue to participate with this particular troll? I support solidarity and all that, but uh... giving bad attention to this asshole is exactly what (s)he wants. And of course, everyone has to have the last word... so as long as they