MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Not being able to change your name on PSN? Jank!

I gladly tell co-workers what my salary is, so we both can see who is getting the shaft. “Polite Society” doesn’t want you to share this info because let’s face it, someone is always getting the shaft. Also, if everyone keeps their pay all hush-hush, it helps keep the peasants from revolting.

The only way to reply on Gawker is to call them an idiot. Duh, idiot. ;)

First up, it’s not sexism. It’s misanthropy. I’m not saying as a woman she can’t “deal” with the sleaze, I’m saying as a human there is a huge chance she is being sleazy. Has nothing to do with genitalia and everything to do with humans are hos.

I had someone who’s emblem was “I FUCKING HATE CAMPERS” send me an invite to their community after I whipped their team five matches in a row. Which is hilarious because I camp more than Bear. I camp so much you can find me next to the smoke column wafting up into the sky from my camp fire. I camp so much I’ve been

Yeah! Now hold on while I try to.. what? The PSNetwork is DOWN AGAIN? AW JESUS CHRIST. /puts controller back on charger cradle and fires up an alternative.

Is there white-knighting going on, though? I admit, I haven’t read any more comments since yesterday, but the consensus was “I wouldn’t trust her with someone else’s dick.”

You sound uber-invested in this opinion going on. Are you projecting, here? You're the only one defending her, that I see.

Everybody types like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move their tips, just a bunch of gibberish, and toy designers act like they forgot about Rey. (Well, not really.)

That’s like, your opinion, maaaaan (or womaaaaan / traaaaaaans / insert term here.) Which no one can take away from you or stop you from expressing. But go for it, attempt to shame me for not thinking or feeling the way you do. I mean, this is the Internet and every written attack cuts twice as deep to the bone as if

That’s a good question. I suppose I’m addressing those who knuckle-rap other people who don’t readily recognize the difference between gender / sex. The usage of the word force on my part sounds a bit heavy-handed, doesn’t it. Instead of force, let’s use the word shame.

I'm just expounding, not arguing or looking for conflict, and when I say you, I mean in the collective sense.

I started building machines by simply buying eMachines that had a PCI slot back in the day and slapping in whatever GTX TI cards were available for a reasonable price.

As everyone has said, it’s much easier than people think it is. I build PCs for myself, family, and friends and people think it’s FUCKING MAGICAL, when it’s pretty damn easy. You just need to pay attention to what gets plugged into where and there are diagrams, YouTube videos, and a plethora of other resources.

Comcast. Despite having 110mbps, once you hit 600GB downloaded in one month they impose a softcap and throttle your connection if you’re using it for anything.

SSD prices are dropping, but no. 7200RPM WD Black is just fine for me, at the moment. And I’d rather have the storage space.

Alone in the Dark - every single monster had the same recycled animation, like a video game crowd in the background of StreetFighter from the 90’s or some shit:

When all my games are digital downloads and average 21GB in size, I’d much rather be able to restore my entire collection near instantly as opposed to praying to the Comcast gods that the game I want to play will download in under an hour and not throw me up against some abitrary ‘data cap’ those gods choose to curse

Yes. I had originally used two of the Industrial Noctua fans but while those things suck/blow in an awesomely good way, they were too loud.