MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Hm, pass the collection plate indeed. (Yay, I get to use that phrase again! Thanks shitty religious practices!)

Once again I’d love to point out that the vast majority of people against Planned Parenthood usually are very, very, extremely very, pro-death penalty.

Porn can injure a woman’s self-esteem based on how “bad” porn is, if she doesn’t feel like she’s as attractive as “porn stars.” And that insecurity does come out as “I should be all you need, you filthy fucking pervert.”

Just a reminder that Adult Swim has a sweet collection of free music albums to download.

There is no wrong or right in this situation.

If these work, I’d drop $500 for three of them. They can’t be ‘hinky’ or glitchy, though. They need to Just Work™.

It’s the internet. Wasn’t it invented for faceless vigilantism? To gather a crowd of easily misled people into a mob and burn people to the ground?

I don’t care who you are, whether you started the fight, or how annoying you might be. You’re on your own and I’m not stepping in to save your sorry ass or fetch you ice.

Adults shouldn’t be fighting. No one, regardless of gender should hit someone else. The fighting is inexcusable. Starting a fucking Twitter campaign because some randos didn’t bring you ice and then say you’ll get raped at their bar? Like you said, it sounds like she’s hella-exaggerating, trying to get revenge on

“Sitting in a dark corner all game is not fun, it’s an REM song.”

What if the general audience at large really wants fawning and stratagems? Is there a no “fawning and stratagems” rule that I’m unaware of?

The last sentence was funny!

This a million time. Mwahaha, kill them all!

Mwahaha, anyone who says camping is bad usually has a bad case of “I can’t hold still-itis.” Which is a poliet way of saying you run around like a fucking jackass trying to rambo everything and get pissed when your tactics repeatedly fail.

Google, the ads you display can be terrible. They’re loud, flashy, annoying, and very possibly riddled with malware. They are the equivalent of STDs on the Internet. And you wonder why people use protection? It is your very own fault for allowing these ads to get so clickbaity and scammy in the first place. You are

And novel!

What Marmaladecreamcheesie said. Sleep paralysis is fubar.

First world problem?

Isn’t this Elite controller better than a Scuf? I mean, look at the hardware *and* software. THE CONTROL, MAN! THE CONTROL!

Microtransactions that do not apply to PvP aren’t the problem. It’s how people perceive these transactions and the mere idea that someone, somewhere, may have an advantage over them no matter how tiny.