MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I’m looking for the data set... for research. >_>

So they got sick of the game being too easy with Gjally and left the game... as opposed to simply not using Gjally? They just can’t resist using the power, so it’s the weapons fault and not their own. /thumbs up

/adjusts tinfoil hat

I’m curious as to how long it takes before ‘drones’ are banned simply because they start to swarm the sky during such events. It’s cool aerial footage, there has to be a safety concern once you start to get twenty of these things flying around a demo site.

It’s a pretty big sign she’s bringing someone else behind his back. He should run like his ass is on fire.

Be glad you didn’t try it on a smartphone. It wasn’t a very smart way to shop the deals...

What’s the cost of living in Louiseville, KY? Different financials goals for different parts of the country.

I wanted to pick up the Echo at the sale price - I sure in hell am not paying the $180 for it. But as soon as it went up, I clicked on add to cart and all it did was spin while “checking deal” and suddenly it said the device was no longer available and the wait list was full.

We also have guns.

Fucking militaries and all that cool new technologies! First ARPNET, then the Internet! This is why we can’t have nice things!

We have:

If only that was the reason for this lawsuit, but it's not hard to see it isn't exactly altruism that brings this investigation forward.

In other words, European companies complained about another big bad U.S. tech company doing better than them, so to the courts!

If you’re still using Flash, Java or IE Chrome — and it’s worth a long, hard look into your computing soul if you are — you probably want to go on a little patching mission, or just throw your devices into the nearest river for safe measure.

This will be great for contextual room awareness for devices. I’d set it up so my phone knew what room it was in and set the lights accordingly...

Beats sell. You have the following:

“I’ve got a feeling those tweeting at James haven’t read her books, so they’re simply repeating what someone already wrote.”

My reaction to the binary “You’re a 1 or a 0” was “I’m both a 1 and 0.” I was definitely talking back to the TV screen during that part.

Anti-vaxxers are literally dangerous to society. Their paranoia and willful ignorance can, has, and will lead to deaths of people who do not subscribe to the anti-vaxxing ideology. We must protect our weakest in society, those that cannot be vaccinated due to allergies or other immunocompromised.

DIRECTX 12... mmm.