MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Well, you can download it for free for private or internal company uses straight from the Monotype website. You just have to agree to their license terms...

You're not alone with this Kinja nightmare.

I'm replying to you because a) I approve of your comment and b) Kinja is my sworn enemy and I cannot reply directly to Adam.

Common sense is actually a misnomer. It isn't common in the least.

Facts... you got those, right? Yes? Facts? Or Proof? I like proof. 100% proof, too. Not just "pretty sure" kinda proof. That's some watered down swill, there. =)

No, it's more of an encouragement to purchase colored LEDs, such as Hue, which allows you to set both the temperature and brightness of the lights in your home.

Here you go, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Well, it also explained why we use the alphabetical system for Windows. That's actually better trivia than simply "cuz A and B are for floppies - duh."

I was thinking the same thing. Religion is just a club to bludgeon others into behaving a certain way and it is a shield to hide behind intolerance.

I.T. folk are a passive aggressive sort of asshole. But we're still assholes and aren't any better than the people that get 'pranked.'

But the CDC spent millions researching it and found nothing. Do you consider that to be improper or inadequate research?

And that's the entire point. Sell a system that costs 10x to repair what it should cost and use a law to ensure only you, or approved technicians, can fix it. Even if it were something simple to fix. It's the bad ol' days of locking people into services they may not want but are forced to use. Like proprietary printer

And yet your master's degree in journalism from Columbia isn't saving you any face with the way you went to bat over this story. You may as well share dinner with Erdely, as your reputation is about where hers is, right about now


I want a blacklist, built into Steam, that ensured I had a high chance of never running into certain players, ever again. Dark Souls cheaters, being one of them.

The average age here is 20? Well, at least I'm above average in something.

So, where do you fall on the literally versus literally being used figuratively?

If computer engineers hadn't been lazy enough to say 1,024 is close enough to 1k to essentially call it a kilobyte, we wouldn't been in this mess to start with. Start the blame where the blame lies, which is laziness. That's a worse sin than stupidity.

You mean, those who hold a grudge towards the rest of society and will have to have 1024 pried from their cold, dead, minority, hands; because geek cred or some shit.

Since the defendant was a sex offender, it's real easy to violate their rights. Then that allows the precedent to be applied to your average crime.