MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Watch it and see what you think, is my best piece of advice.

She is a totem, so... we'll get to see that, possibly.

Uber is such an underhanded, illegal, I-don't-fucking-play-by-the-rules, shady as hell company. I wouldn't use their service if my dick was on fire and there was an Uber driver fifteen feet away from me with one of their bottles of water.

Windows 8 isn't garbage, your sense of perception is. You can't accept that because you want to live in the house of 7 for as long as possible. Admitting otherwise would cause cognitive dissonance.

I wonder how long before Microsoft is sued because Cortana is "Bing powered."

We're doubling down on the notion of a society that demands other people take responsibility for our actions.

Hotbot... IT STILL EXISTS. /mind blown

It does look nice...

What monitor are you currently using?

Three monitors vs one large TV. That's my dilemma. I could choose to run 1080p on a 60" TV, which ensures just about any current graphics card will hum along like a champ and give me the best image. Or do I get even greedier, slap three monitors together, and attempt to make my card cough under ultimate settings?

They're equal, in my heart.

Eric, Ad is just a burner troll who created a one off for this comment. It didn't even deserve your recognition, let alone a response. ;)

I really would rather prefer a true Surface, such as a table, before I get this kind of device. But that's for consumer consumption, not an office replacement. Though I wouldn't mind a Surface desk... /spine shiver of pleasure

Well, one thing that's nice about consoles is that they create a level playing field, of sorts. And you can't tamper with the hardware without Microsoft eventually finding out and banning you for it.

You can already does this, though I wouldn't recommend it. Plug your PC's HDMI out into the Xbox One's HDMI in. Bam, you got your PC desktop on your Xbox One, but with latency! (ick.)

You could already hook up an Xbox One to a computer monitor, as is, right now. Does your monitor not allow HDMI?

Allowing people to play Xbox One games on the PC could create havoc if they're allowed to play with Xbox One players. You'd have to deal with performance gains the PC offers plus dealing with people hacking their PC files, which again, would give performance increase versus locked down console players.

This, so friggin' hard.

They can't let you use keyboard and mouse while on Xbox Live. It's too much of a performance boost to those few individuals who play online versus each other.

Oh gawd, don't even start that rumor, as funny as it is. They're likely to believe you, 'round here.