MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1


Then allow me to pour my own drinks so I can bypass the "optional" tip that I have to feed you to keep you serving me. I'm paying a) to get into your establishment (possible), b) paying for the drinks, and c) then I have to pay to keep you pouring the drinks I've paid for twice already. Bars aren't any fun without the

Then allow me to pour my own drinks so I can bypass the "optional" tip that I have to feed you to keep you serving me. I'm paying a) to get into your establishment (possible), b) paying for the drinks, and c) then I have to pay to keep you pouring the drinks I've paid for twice already. Bars aren't any fun without the

This, so fucking much. I expect it from Engadget but I was hoping Giz wouldn't be so damned stupid about it, but here the article is... Ooi.

Well, if his disapproval of homosexuality puts butts in the seats, perhaps one fine Sunday the doors should be quietly sealed shut and the whole place burnt down.

Why is it, then, that the state with restrictive gun control laws, such as Maryland (5.1), have higher deaths per 100k than Alabama (2.8), which has very little gun control?

Of course homicide by firearm rates in the US are higher versus the UK. UK has a ban on more firearms and only allows some exceptions. And last I checked it is a firearm homicide rate of 2.57 for the US per 100k.

Well, that's one way to turn an outtie into an innie. /nope

Gun violence in this nation has decreased steadily since the 90's even as the population has increased and yet the perception of gun related violence has risen. Thanks to the news media cycle and the Internet, we can all be fed every tiny little horror and put it under a microscope and think "OH GOLLY, GUN CRIME IS SO

No, responsible gun owners are not rare, unique, or special. We don't hear about them because they're doing it right. That isn't news worthy.

You hear about law-abiding and responsible gun owners about as much as centaurs with golden colons. Because mythical creatures are mythical, responsible gun owners are responsible and don't end up in the news.

OH OH, how about a Husqvarna then? It just sounds right. Husq-varna. Husssssqvaaaaaarrrrrnnnaaaa.

What brand of chainsaw?

Just for a moment I'd like everyone to consider their reactions. It's more hostile than the original comment. Literally, the reactions are worse and are deliberately offensive to a possibly casually offensive comment.

If your phone is rooted you can use App Ops.

I've done some reading that suggestions Go Launcher EX is "hovering" data and sending it back to China. You'll have to Google it and make up your own mind about that, though.

Short of industrial projectors, has the common household projector really been able to match the quality of 1080p/4K?

With the state of the Internet being the way it is with bored script kiddies, Russian criminals trying to port scan for vulnerabilities to obtain zombies, and North Korea being unhappy with our movie releases, I'm a little reluctant to make my home domain Internet accessible.

Are we upset it is an un-blurred body? Or that it's a woman in her underwear?

I see a lot of people shrugging this off and saying "oh yeah, I did this with books. It's no big thing." Except their forgetting the affects from using this brightly light devices with their blue light spectrums and screwing with the body's internal clock more so than that book, or radio, ever did.