MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

The puns stink, cut it out. :p

Some of us find the invite articles outside the one hour windows. I don't sit on Giz and hit refresh every ten minutes. :(

I'm a terrible ally. :(

I wouldn't give a shit, nor should anyone else. Why, would you get your knickers in a twist over it?

Well, it's time to officially boycott the movie industry. Not only is it a good idea to tell the MPAA to fuck off with their 'piracy' witch hunts, but to tell theatres to fuck off as well.

Perspective, perhaps?

I dunno, the Master / Missy is becoming a regular, albeit watered down version, Joker. Good GOD, just let him/her die already.

I feel, and that's with the typical caveat that it may be right or wrong depending on perspective, is that you shouldn't be doing anything with Good White People. You shouldn't have to reward them for being GWP. But you shouldn't need to envision them as knowingly sabotaging or undermining everything you stand for,

I apologize for not being able to reply to your reply. Kinja is being screwy on my end.

Please educate me about something?

"Trying is the first step towards failure."

If they find methane on Mars, will we send a probe to Uranus?

For me, Mirror's Edge was great because it is clean and bright, even if it is a dystopia. I'm just exhausted with end of the world, wading through trash and rust that's hip-deep, and going on a rampant killing spree against a seemingly infinite amount of enemies. All culminating in a four story tall boss fight that

Must still be early. I don't see any irrational freaking out about having a wearable device on your face that can ohmegerd record video.

The problem with this is seems to be Russia will have to do something drastic to strengthen the ruble and it won't be to become nice to the other countries in the UN.

A point I feel needs to be made:

So fullscreen does eek out more fps, then... Gotcha, gracias.

Ethics in Blogging? Not a thing.

Mmm, I'unno. Being a dick to each other is like a pastime. Sure, it can get out of hand and all, but it's rivalry that can be fun.

At least until they allow you to backup a game and restore it without a) re-downloading the game or b) faking the initial download and replacing the files with the original copy and hoping you fooled UPlay into believing the game is good to go.