MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I'm just yelling in the wind, but here goes.

I love me some

You're going to need something for that burn Barack Ebola just gave you.

You're going to need something for that burn Barak Ebola just gave you.

Keepass is free and there is a version for PC/Mac/Linux/Android.

Here, have some fun with one of my passwords:

If the lunatic is too far gone to be saved they should be rounded up and herded off to a remote part of Montana and left there under guard. Once Pandora's Box opens and they begin to die off from easily vaccinated diseases we can put them on TV as an example of what happens to them.

But you're all about we (citizens) calling anti-vaxxers idiots, right? Because that's the only option we're going to give you.

As soon as I saw the title, I knew it was you Diaz! :D

It seems quite easy to infiltrate the US. All any foreign actor has to do is take one of our extremely sophisticated malware that is already in the wild, change it just enough to fly under the radar, and send it back at us.

Amazon is my go-to MP3 store, anymore. /shrug

The problem is Apple "revolutionized" MP3 purchasing. Or so the Apple diehards slavishly remind the world when people say "pfft, other digital stores and MP3 players existed."

Actually, I think it calls for a more direct approach.

Run far far away and simply don't do it.

I stick to HCTDM. That's my bread and butter. I've frequently played with the top 3 players for that match type. I only respect 1 out of those 3, for reasons above.

You have no idea how dentists who want to "fix" or find things to charge for can make visiting a dentist a non-starter. I get free quarterly cleanings as part of my dental package but refuse to use them because every damn time it's "x-rays, let's touch up this, here's an appointment for that" yada yada. No, don't

Yes, the customization is only shown during the lobby. In game you're all running around with a skullcap and a t-shirt. /spit

Indeed. Though remarkably the top people usually have particular.. tactics.. that are best not going up against.

You mean "great, content that only shows up while standing around in the lobby and never ever gets seen in game."

Aw, it's telling me the coupon is no good, today. :(