MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

Get them on the internet in a (perceived) anonymous space and WATCH EM GO!

Jasmine Silver, here. Very mild, almost perfume like in its fragrance, but not cloyingly.

Utilizing a black hole's gravity to slow time down could do a lot to help people with diseases and ailments that have no cure, currently, but just might in the next few centuries.

I'll second this. I grew up with southern sweet tea. I can't do coffee black and could not do tea unsweetened for a long time. But I found tea that I adored without a sweetener and that was the gateway to me being able to drink tea, period, without any sugar.


"A telltale sign of a true narcissist is the inability to tolerate challenges to their cognitive distortions (e.g. challenging their perceived grandiosity or their views on damn near anything)."

We blame the opposite side for whatever sins happen in recent memory, regardless of your political bent.

Done and... done. I've said a little over $150 in shipping, alone, this year.

I felt Anna was the protagonist and Elsa was the antagonist with the story being ultimately about Anna.

Care to elaborate about any lies they told? Because this is the internet. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

So, someone actually sat down and said "you know what? I'm more a mocha latte color and that emoji doesn't exist! I have to choose between this light peach colored white dude, this dark chocolate Indian dude, or this offensively racist yellow face with exaggerated facial features? That's so racist and unfair!"


I was going to go with religion, but willful ignorance kind umbrellas over that, so... yeah.

Hatred is just another Postal, from what I've seen. Sans the cheeky humor, probably. And why should it be chilling? That particular irreverent genre exists in art and video, why should video games be any different?

I wonder if this'll effect manufacturing in the future. From what I gather, America has had its eyes on Brazil as the next country for cheap labor, once China finally gets its humanitarian rights in order.

Sometimes tropes are just fun and worth it, though.

It appears a) you have a lot of Apple haters pissed off and b) a lot of CurrentC shills making comments in your article.

I opted out when the option to opt out first became available and I'm still getting pinged on the website.

No, it's the third option. Glass is extremely expensive for the product it is, appeals right now to a niche market, and isn't anywhere nearly prevalent.

In fact, there are a plethora of Glass-like recording devices that have been on the market for years. And much cheaper, too. Usually they come in camo coated sunglasses or some other conspicuously cheap and goofy looking product, but they've been around longer than Glass and yet, where is that outrage?