MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

AHHH I scrolled back up and saw it again. Shudder :p

Screw you, okay? /ick

hey, fuck you, kthx /shudder

Neither does allowing people to use a computer without a basic fundamental knowledge base for PC security. If people know why the UAC is popping up, they react to it more.

A partial reason for why your machine ran as slow as it did was, once again, drivers. Every from your Xenon to the software you were running.

That's fine, when you get some sort of Malware and your AV company gets around to clearing it up, I benefit with the definition update. So keep on keeping on.

You probably run your account as Admin and have your non-tech savvy family do the same. :p To which I reply, RUBE!

I said as much in another reply, but yeah pretty much this.

Vista was new, a revamping of Windows - which included new audio architecture and a bunch of kernel changes, among other stuff. And because of that it required a shit-ton of new drivers and companies really dragged their feet making them available. So when you tried to hook your XP printer up to Vista and it didn't

Yeah, these stores cannot even manager their own security systems. At least if my credit card gets bamboozled, I have better recourse than if my checking account gets compromised.

Skybox owned a bunch of satellites or something like that. Plus Google plans on launching a few, I think.

I'd rather go back to pre-9/11 and risk dying in a building hit by a plane than continue to have my rights eroded. But I'm not often prone to hyperbolic jingoistic panic attacks.

This seat reminds me of a home for spiders... to lurk, to wait, to pounce...

No, just Klingons. /badumtish

That was, so far, the coolest thing I've come across, today. Thanks!

Tell them that on their website. ;)

In one of your previous comments you mentioned how your internet speeds have increased for the same price you used to pay in the 90's for lesser. And that's because right now we technically have had net neutrality. My Angelfire page loaded just as quickly as Yahoo's, servers willingly. Dialup ISPs weren't prioritizing

$50 a month for 100MBps down? I'm a little jealous. I'm paying $90 for 105MBps down. I wouldn't mind if this money went into improving the network, especially in my area, but if I want innovation it isn't going to come from Comcast (my current ISP.) It'll be a semi-local company laying fiber hoping they can convince

Nothing says you'll get a "cheap plan" out of this. It just ensures you may not have the more expensive plan. Plus the cost businesses will have to incur in the process and schemes where Comcast collects fees for the same service twice in regards to Netflix streaming, it's insane.

A majority of people who say they eat organic not because of its taste but because of its "healthier for the environment and less pesticides" are similar to Gamergaters saying they're in it for the ethics in journalism.