MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

That desk is a kickstarter pre-order and the Ikea one is currently available?

If I were a European nation, I too would be pissed that fat, gun toting, scooter riding American is still considered a super power world leader. Because what does it say about Europe for it to be subordinate to such a ridiculous redneck fratbro cowboy of a country? :)

Hm, I thought psychopathic personality traits were genetic and related to the brain? So less learning, more realizing you are a sociopath.

Eville1, eh? It's all coming into focus.

No, I have read it before. As soon as I saw it, I started to tear up and can't do that at work. ;)

I starred but cannot read it. Nope, big nope, nope nope nope, sorry. :)

While the headline may be true, solar has got to eventually be cleaner than oil/coal. Maybe not as cheap, but hopefully nowhere near as dirty as fossil fuels.

If this game is as poorly optimized as Ghosts were for the PC - I think I may be staying away from it. Between the cheating, the children, and the piss-poor port, I'm afraid to purchase it. :/ And I liked COD on the consoles.

Do you frequently hit your bandwidth cap? I'm on one of the most hated cable companies on the planet (Comcast) with a 110m/b download speeds (frequently around 150m/b though) and I still haven't hit my cap.

It is Call of Titanfall, no matter what the devs say. That doesn't mean I lack interest in the game, just don't piss on my back and tell me it's Kool-Aid.

The problem is when people type on Twitter the things they'd say out loud, in jest, in a room full of friends.

We're not speaking about Duncan. Do keep your bias to a low roar, would you?

Willful ignorance is the problem.

It is ridiculous how they treated this person. It was racial stereotyping combined with panic. Might as well have been "oh look, a brown person, he must have a bomb in his shoe."

I first thought "ugh, stupid person" and then saw "Tomato" in username and then I recognized the trolling.

Depends on the strain, doesn't it? Remember Spanish Influenza, perhaps? Makes this Ebola problem look quaint and all smallsville.

Actually, all this is doing is killing the bacterial in the water vapor, not your whole home. It won't magically make your home a clean room, therefore you're not in danger of getting ill from this gadget.

I dunno, I think WarMachine himself deserves quite the karmic beatdown full of shattered bone and all. But I'm a mean asshole, so...

Has fingerprint biometrics gotten to the point where this will have a 99.9% success rate? I don't want to be standing at a checkout terminal cussing my card out for declining my legit purchase.

This is the truth.