MGLS - FuckItAll℞ Part 1

I did the same thing.

That's the difference between what you went through and what I went through. I was never hit out of anger or malicious intent and yes, it did help correct my behavior. And it was never with belts, books, bats, or branches. I knew why it was happening, what I did that was wrong, and what I could do to avoid it. And it

I was referring to spanking, period, and not what Peterson did or didn't do. And specifically how a lot of people over react and think any contact with a child that isn't a fucking hug is somehow scarring children for life.

As I mentioned in another reply, cheaters. They do me in and I don't care to admit it. The worst of the worst are the ones who scream "I don't cheat!" when I have video proof.

Adrenaline. It happens to me in Dark Souls though oddly I'm fine in other competitive games. I think, for me, it's because I know I'd rather not be fighting the invader, they'll probably cheat, and I'll have to start all fucking over though I was sure I was near the fog gate. And it took me half an hour to get where I

I'm amazed at all the comments that think along the lines of "preorders are bad! Unless it is a physical statue of Game X THEN OMGZ YES PLEASE GIVE ME NOW I WILL SUCKLE SATAN'S TEET FOR THIS SHIT!"

Well, I was given the option as a child. Did I want to be grounded for a week or get a spanking and get it over with? I lined my ass right on up and took it and was out free and clear the next day.

Beating a child is abuse, spanking is more controversial. Right now I put spanking over reactors in the category with comtrail conspiracy and anti-vaxxers.

See the problem here, DerpHapley, is who defines child abuse?

I have absolutely no idea about the severity of the child abuse Peterson committed. So the comments filled with hate may be appropriate.

What's an acceptable alternative, Drew? And what do you do when the alternatives don't work?

And how do you monetize this search engine without all the tracking and profiling? Is it pure ad-sells? I haven't been to the page yet. Are there ads?

Since I can't find my original comment.. grumble.

Over 117 replies (at this moment) and yet no one has asked the important question...


I'm in the same boat as you. I just put an HTPC together and was cruising for a remote to handle both channel management and k/m combos. I'm not going to surf the internet for hours on end, I just want to be able to log in, start my apps, and navigate around to get started.

A generation or two. The old party has to die out and new blood needs to take over.

Paul's an abusive asshole. Possibly an alcoholic, as well. Just ignore him.

The replies to your comment... they hurt my visual cortex more than U2 scarred your ear drums.