The Fool

I had no idea what that guy's name was, but I knew exactly who you meant.

Hey, this guy's right! Carmen Electra does deserve better!

I think the pain is real, to Chuck. Because Chuck has a Messianic Complex. Enduring extreme discomfort to do (what Chuck has construed as) the right thing feeds directly into that. Despite being outright antagonistic towards Jimmy, Chuck now has cause to feel victimized by the position Jimmy is indirectly putting him

-It's absurd how compelling Howard has become. The mechanical way he scans, folds, and reinserts Kim's letter of resignation was such a great character insight. You think he's going to drop the mask of plasticity, but he actually relies on that veneer of professionalism to pull him through a surprisingly emotional

Considering they never ultimately distinguished the Wolves from the Saviors, and actually used the Wolves' ineptitude to foment overconfidence, no, I don't think they should count.

-Let's try to avoid the obvious.

'80's Paul Gleason as J. Jonah Jameson is fucking inspired.

Way of the Dragon was really the first self-aware kung-fu movie. The rhythm of these films was already in place: abrupt, violent opening, slow build up, stakes-raising fight in the second act, and then the big, sustained set piece at the end that's longer than all the other fights combined. But this was the first time

I'm quite attached to Martin Freeman in the role, but prime Michael Caine as Watson. Dry, competent, with churlish sideways glances. I mean goddamn.

Young Janeane Garofalo is the perfect degree of 'uptight but fuckable' for Velma.

Everything about Superman translates poorly through Batman's 'villains as psychosis' plot logic. Even his alter ego succeeds through sheer earnestness, whereas Bruce Wayne's motives are constantly questioned and submerged in self-doubt.

The best part of any Hitman game is wearing a chef's hat and hanging out in every level's kitchen, as if no one is going to find Cillian Murphy's bald brother an unnerving presence if he's wearing the appropriate headgear.

Just think of the possibilities!

-It'd be easier to buy Elektra's improbable fighting ability if she fought in a consistently lithe fashion, or just stabbed folks all the time. Her physical frame doesn't really bother me until she's blocking the butt of a pistol with one wrist, or clotheslining men twice her weight without even setting her feet.

I liked how Twilight Princess acknowledged that Hyrule is an existentially depressing place. Even if you ignore the multiple timelines, there's still a gamut of alternate dimensions, regretful ghosts, and sorcerer-villains that are essentially immortal. And the land is the literal product/manifestation of divine

I'd put cheerleaders under gymnasts, though 'gymnast' usually brings to mind 4'10" sprites with torsos longer than their legs. Cheerleaders include bases, which are sort of the opposite of the 'gymnast' frame. Although I'm sure a more creative fella than me could think of some amazing things to do with a base's lower

It's hard to beat male soccer players. Nothing but abs and cardio for days. Swimmers and basketball players can be weird shapes, football/hockey/rugby/boxers get their shit rocked too much. I agree with the Broads, baseball players have a lot of variety. Shortstops/outfielders/pitchers can be dude-pretty, but no one's

That's a big difference between Kim and Jimmy: Kim is willing to grind and suffer to do things 'The Right Way', as in, taking the time to solicit colleagues in a technically legal sense, in order to reestablish herself in the company. Jimmy can't see Kim's demotion as a "circumstance" to be worked around; it's a

-So now we know Howard resents Kim for investing in Jimmy, and convincing Howard to do the same. Hopefully, the show is going to reveal Howard's motivations as the season develops. Is he really so obsequious just because he's the second-most powerful partner? Will he drop his mask of geniality around Chuck when the

-Carol's character arc from meek to cold-blooded has been so satisfying, it's hard to really buy her hesitation. Her performance around the kidnappers was brilliant, though. I like that she threatened Alicia Witt, just to make the 'little bird' character more three-dimensional. There was some internal logic to her