The Fool

-Did anyone else assume, from the weirdly docile way Syd noticed and walked over to the drain, that it was kind of ‘compelling’ her over? Fucking with it immediately doesn’t really vibe with the survivalist mentality she’s been selling to David.

I kept waiting for Pine's acting to appear meager against Ben Foster's mania, but it never did. Really fucking solid job. Nailed the ending too, arguably stole the scene from Bridges.

-Best part of Bronn's POV sequence was the five second stretch where he stumbles around a burning cart, pulls a sword out of an impaled dude's gut, dropping him to the ground, then sort of shrugs off a burning guy doing that Wish You Were Here album cover thing.

-Davos playing the 'crazy stuff, huh?' card with Missandei was gold. I love his genuine interest in others that share his 'position'. He's still like a kid. A melancholy, seaweathered kid.

Suspiciously Complex Newscaster Pun
Bald Pride Counterattack
Intentionally Dance/Rap Poorly
Break Character without Changing Facial Expression

If we intended to just gut the Southern economy and let it ulcerate, we wouldn't have reabsorbed those states at all. Disenfranchising the plantation owners would have been nice, but the country was focused on finding new ways to match the economic efficiency of Antebellum South. At that time, our commerce with Europe

I didn't realize she was drunk. I was wondering how her podcast got so fucking popular when she couldn't even follow the conversation on a show she's not hosting.

There's definitely more than one type of redemption arc in GoT. The Hound and Jaime share similarities but the appeal is completely different. Jaime's arc is more intellectual, because the audience makes an assumption about the malice that informs his behavior, then comes to discover his sense of honor alongside him.

If you don't like that, you don't like Bear Island basketball!

-The best part of Euron's 'two hands' joke was Jamie's look of, "Why am I even here…"

Just to play devil's advocate on everyone hating on Hook: Despite it's flaws, many of the parts of the movie that work are the parts that appeal to kids. Nowadays, when people think of a movie that will resonate with kids, they think of George Lucas or Michael Bay-style marketing integration. Hook at least has a sense

Not to be a literary geek or anything, but personally, if I'm watching a lady slowly, systematically consume the individual pages of a lengthy, endlessly abstract, winding-yet-character-driven post-modern tableau, it's gonna be Gravity's Rainbow.

I'd say it's equal to that scene in Clue:

Thunder Road to Perdition. You're welcome.

Well, so far, that's the only GoT-applicable name on the list. Let me know if longtime Tigers reporter Tony Targaryen gets the boot.

That's a good point, Adam's conflict in the film is that she was alienated from an early age, slowly built a sexual identity that she's comfortable with, and now here comes this 'sensitive guy' who reflexively protects his ego by alienating anyone and everyone.

I think this movie tries to have it both ways. It vilifies Affleck's character for being so self-obsessed (and over-saturated with media) that he'd think he could change a lesbian's sexuality with his love or whatever. But the viewpoint of the film is still clearly from his perspective, so the narrative convenience

Archer is definitely up there, right? His pseudo-autistic ticks and needlessly articulate references are a perfect microcosm of the show's snappy editing and kitchen sink approach to aesthetics and dialogue. Archer angrily monologuing during the shootout-climax of an episode is almost always hysterical.

I don't think Gorillaz ages poorly, it's just obvious who's president when each record comes out.

I don't really think the Alexandrian's raid was all that bad, because it shows self-awareness in two different ways. One: That slowly corralling the Saviors' fiefdoms has always been the narrative drive of this bloated season. This was going to happen the moment Oceanside was introduced. Two: That any survivor in this