The Fool

-Howard has been almost entirely motivated by guilt this season. There's a corporate plasticity to his personality that puts people off, but its entirely reasonable given his station at the law firm. He stuck his neck out to get Jimmy the job and again to help him keep it, at least temporarily. Personally, I think he

The heretical treat that's fun to eat!

Yeah, I wasn't thrilled with Tyrion in season 5 or ADWD. I'm not even someone who hates his Where do whores go? soliloquies, just too many chapters taking place on boats. Very few narrative surprises take place on boats.

I like to imagine everyone standing there awkwardly, then Davos yells from a hidden corner, SCATTER!, and they all impulsively run away. Then Davos and Melisandre scurry over to take the body, snickering.

Season 5 made it obvious that the showrunners aren't very good at changing plotlines to make the adaptation fluid. For every change that worked (Hardhome battle) there are three that don't (implied rape between Jaime+Cersei, Barristan vs. Harpies, Dorne in general).

Are you tired of emotionally repressed lords chopping off your fingers to satisfy their misguided sense of justice?

-I hope Dany's plotline gets through the Dothraki stuff quickly. I truly don't care to watch her being a victim anymore. Not in a feminist way, it's just boring to watch.

-It's hard to stay upset about the emotional toll of murder when you get Rick pulling a 'Goldeneye'-style assault rifle multikill immediately after.

I like the four decent songs on Amnesiac more than the five decent songs on Kid A.

I get her argument that the loose, random percussion sounds make the song feel un-deliberate, in that shallow, tossed-off Reagan-era sense. And the mix of samples has that 'Dylan-in-the-80's-not-even-particularly-trying-to-make-the-electronic-elements-match-the-song's-tone' vibe.

Di Caprio, eh? Not bad, not bad.

-Jimmy's corporate self-sabotage is absolutely brutal to watch. If he had just phoned in the commercial, he'd present it to his bosses right away. But there was too much hard work, too much finesse in that ad. It was an extension of Jimmy, so he couldn't funnel it into his corporate persona.

Ultimately, it seems like Trump supporters want emotional vindication from their political involvement, moreso than coherent policy that matches their views. That's an understandable reaction to decades of empty rhetoric from politicians who ultimately maintain the status quo, but it's still juvenile and reactionary.

Yeah, it seemed like Abraham's conflict was realizing how rare it is to be in a love triangle with two beautiful women, particularly in a zombie apocalypse. Perhaps I'd be more invested in the Abraham+Rosita relationship if Rosita had a personality beyond being a lovely woman who wears Castro hats.

-I spent the first Maggie-Gregory negotiation wondering why Maggie didn't put Gregory in his goddamn place. Being given "a box of bullets" is preferable to having those bullets in your temples/kneecaps/general torso area.

-I have a problem watching cringe comedy on my computer, because I'm too overstimulated and I'm constantly pausing or muting the show out of dread for the social discomfort. Getting through this episode literally drove me to drink. I'm two vodka+lemonade's down.

-Britta had this "attend party with old wild friends who have since grown up, embaress self" plot. Twice, actually. Although NBC probably wouldn't sign off on 'remember when we did crack and started fucking each other?'

I don't have a problem with how she's being played, I just find her aggression weirdly misdirected, to the point where even a non-confrontational person like Gus would need to address it.

-Gus' boss is starting to irritate me. I'm sure Hollywood has a lot of administrative people who act like that, but at a certain point, an employee is going to tell their boss, "I'm not going to cede every minuscule disagreement because your job is stressful. Grow up."

-That last shot of Jimmy and Kim, where Kim occupies the light source and the door obscures half the frame behind Jimmy in darkness. Oh man. Just the implication of their separation upsets me.