The Fool

I think Pierce's wealth enabled him to live in semi-fantasy, definitely not the reality everyone else existed in. In that way, he was a good "blank slate" for the show's early seasons, often acting as the buffoon with melancholy undertones, where he could have regrets, fear of death, etc., without darkening the show's

The 6 Where We Had a Limited Budget*

Abed's shouting match seemed in character to me because he was eventually repeating something like 'I'M YELLING-WE'RE YELLING-I'M YELLING AT YOU!'

I don't think Marty would stop for Rust if he hadn't already sat through hours of accusations about his former partner that imply his own ineptitude. Remember, he repeatedly defended Rust's abilities as a detective, and even acknowledged the importance of being partners for 7 years, 'no matter how it ended.'

Can't imagine he'd have much luck sweet-talking any cop that might pull him over, though.

If so, it'll probably be Eyes Wide Shut-style, where the Society's existence is revealed to the protagonists but never openly exposed, and the ending is less about closure and more about the unchecked actions of "the powers that be."

You buy enough Segways in bulk, they'll throw in a nice set of cherrywood, automatic-sensor double-doors.

It makes him look like a pothead trying tobacco for the first time.

Yeah, the second episode "Seeing Things" was largely about Cohle's 'visions', which seem to be acid flashbacks from his deep undercover narcotics days (although, who takes LOTS of psychedelics, even as an undercover? Routine smoking/snorting/shooting up, okay, but what "crew" would need to see constant tripping as

That'd be interesting, but I don't think revealing the show takes place in "The King in Yellow" universe is thematically consistent with the character-driven plot so far.

Yeah, I was wondering why the camera spent so much time on that guy's face, considering he just shrugged a bunch. But I guess he did give a decent amount of exposition for the short time he was onscreen.

Lilo-Arya Stark is ADORABLE.

I liked this episode fine (it looked fucking fantastic, for one thing), but I agree with a lot of your points.

Yeah, I understand that Rick's appearance was supposed to evoke a walker, thematically, but it seemed really irresponsible to shuffle around with a limp in such disgusting clothing. I can't imagine any survivors trusting him on sight, looking like that.

Oh, I wasn't aware "mousy" was a negative adjective. I meant someone like, uhh, Winona Ryder, y'know? Like, smallish nose and big eyes on a non-so-narrow face. In a positive way.

I wondered why Jeff would get so into playing pretend, but then I remembered he was once a young boy, and The Floor is Lava isn't a Fucking Game to little boys.

Shirley's Island was a Lost reference. A vague reference to the vague ending of Lost. But instead of disappointment, Troy and Abed escape in a bubble!

I can't quite decide on her hairstyles. Sometimes I think they really work with her mousy face, and sometimes they remind me of that "Does anyone know how long peyote lasts" gag. Tonight's Thunderdome-ish look split the difference.

I like that Britta's crawling on the bubble was part of a sexual dream Troy had, except, you know, the intrusion of the real world (and Abed) kept it from happening that way.

That "butter projectile" idea was about 100% effective. I don't think anyone was really still fighting except Britta and Jeff after that point.