The Fool

Or just pull a 'Slackers' and change the center of attention every five minutes.

The writing is slowly improving from the horseshit second season. Not as many interesting characters as the third season, but the core characters are behaving/changing in mostly interesting ways.

Kate had brown hair.

Aww shit, the only peaches in Georgia, I'm sure.

She threw some fruits at the zombies as a sign of peace, but one ricocheted and hit her in the voice box.

He said that sitting six feet from fucking Jericho. Seriously, 99% of the Chris Jericho gifs on the internet would lead you to believe he's the opposite of lucid.

Forgetting Lori Grimes

A routine comment, but the writing tried way too hard to depict Rick/Carol's conflict as a moral ambiguity the viewers could decide for themselves. Why didn't he just say:

Michonne's probably still #1, but Tyreese and Daryl are in that top tier. Glen (post-torture) and Rick would lead the second tier, which would also include Sasha and her disarmingly casual way of stabbing through zombie skulls.

Narrator: Back at the prison, Maggie did some detecting of her own.
Maggie: Glenn? Are you sick?
Nameless Quarantined Extra: No Touching!

This comment made me think of that part in Oldboy. You know the part. Anyway, at one point he sort of spins backwards and nails a guy that was sneaking up on him with the back end of his hammer. I like to imagine Tyreese constantly waiting for that move's little square to recharge.

"Apparently, the bodies were bleeding BEFORE they were on fire. Thus, the streaks of blood."

On a personal level, I think he'll reserve judgment because he fought so hard for Merle, who ultimately caused several deaths. Could be a point of contention in the council, though.

"Hey! You coughed blood on me!"

No way Glenn's killed this early into a season, not by something so benign. I can't imagine the producers would allow the writers to kill off a fan favorite like Steven Yeun. At some point, they have to respect the ratings.

It seemed like someone "acting" like they weren't sick, since she was basically shambling in front of two members of the council. I understand if it seemed like poor acting, though, the camera focus on her for a long while without establishing anything but how difficult it was for her to walk around.


Her current haircut isn't very appealing on her. Kind of took the "cute-hot" appeal out of it, for me. Doug Benson made it all worthwhile, though.

I think the TV show's depiction of Tyreese's badass moment was better in that sense. There were clearly hundreds, even thousands of zombies in that herd, so it's not like the gym scene where you know he HAD to kill a cartoonish number to survive.

Zombies don't leave enough of the pig intact to allow it to reanimate. They're like the Native Americans that way.