The Fool

Shouldn't there be some part of this prison that's actually intended to quarantine prisoners? Like, so they didn't infect the other thousands around them?

There's no way of knowing what the disease is. For all we know, it's just an immune system-killer that reacts with the zombie virus they all have, so they catch symptoms and die right away.

Bold Prediction: By the end of the season, Beth will allow herself to get upset about stuff.

That would make her action less disturbing (burning sick people vs. burning dead bodies), but I don't really think it changes the moral consequences of her decision.

At least half a dozen Kubrick scenes: "Singin' in the Rain" and the suburban couple's revenge scenes in A Clockwork Orange.
The Shining's low-angle tracking shots of Danny on his big-wheel.
Full Metal Jacket's last fifteen minutes, where they approach and engage the teenage girl sniper.
Eyes Wide Shut has that scene

Where to start with that movie. From terrifying, to disturbing, to just unsettling:

The rules of the trials are so well established, it doesn't seem like she has a chance once she reaches for the food. But the buildup is so long, you just know she's going to do it…


Hah, I agree. Always forget to change the song before the end because the riff is so damn good.

The jump scare in the escape pod is pretty frightening, too. They spend so long letting Ripley relax and establishing how sparse the pod is, when it happens, you're instantly trying to think of something she can use as a weapon.

He's cartoonishly difficult to replicate, not just in difficulty but in the uniqueness of his style. For instance, he would play a double bass, and lead with his right foot (which is standard) when using just one of the pedals. But when he moved his left foot from the hi-hat pedal to the second bass, he'd start


D'aww, I felt this way too. My dad went through his hard rocking phase in the mid-to-late 70's, so a lot of the best bands were broken up or a member had died (The Who, Led Zeppelin, Cream, etc.) We always enjoyed this album when I was around that age.

The Who Sell Out is a surprisingly pleasant listening experience. Certain songs like Relax and Mary Ann with the Shaky Hands are about as catchy as the poppiest Beatles or Kinks tracks.

Leeds has the signature version of Sparks, Magic Bus, and a couple of other tracks. But pretty much any live recording of The Who will blow you away, especially after the Tommy tour. Keith Moon was impressive on records, but superhuman live.

Quadrophenia has so many goddamn great songs. The stretch from 'Is It In My Head?' through 'Sea and Sand' is absolutely phenomenal, and the two-shot of 'The Rock' and 'Love, Reign O'er Me' might be my favorite album closer. Plus, no one's mention The Punk and the Godfather yet! Or Helpless Dancer! GODDAMN

About as much as the character's name being 'Banana Man' implies there's only one male anthropomorphic banana.

Wait, you mean…no more Tyrese singing!?

They pretty much disintegrate in whatever fashion looks coolest while being nonchalantly stabbed/gouged/decapitated. If the producers were asked to explain the rotting logic, they would say, "Whatever lets us spend over a million dollars a season on the makeup of a television show.

I think an anti-Shane is anyone who has the realization that they have to be willing to kill other people to stay alive in their environment, and then DOESN'T become a violent psychopath like they're being possessed by an old, isolated hotel in the Colorado mountains.