The Fool

It's so difficult to anticipate a subtle use for the ricin at this point because it seems likely that some of those characters will already be dead by the flash-forward.

But not a hiding place for a gun that's climate controlled.

Hey Maddas, I need a subtitle for my review of William S. Burrough's Naked Lunch. What's a short phrase that encapsulates his inversion of religious authority through the alternatively exploitative and euphoric depiction of depraved, often scat-themed sexual acts?

Under the building, but over the secret meth lab. Like, 1.5 stories down. Think Being John Malkovich.

And then Joey Tribbiani wakes up suddenly, on his comfy chair in the apartment he shares with Chandler.

It's difficult, though, because Hank can't (in good conscience) keep his job if he doesn't expose Walt.  Just going back for a day, saying hello, pretending to banter with his friend seemed to cause him intense guilt and anxiety.  In that case, the only solution (after quitting) would be to accept more money from

Every time I saw him, all I could think of was the mob boss at the beginning of The Dark Knight: "My dogs are HUNGRY!"

You see, there's two types of men in this world, my friend: Those willing to put up with poorly thought-out Star Trek fan fiction, and those who dig.  You dig.

I like to think of it as a vaguely set detective tale.

No wonder she's hesitant to leave the bunker- it's a Walking Dead phantom phonecall! Rick is on the other line!

Last time I saw Pickins that Slim, Kubrick was tricking him into thinking Dr. Strangelove was a drama.

To a degree, the cops in an interrogation room are going to "play" the suspect at his/her own level of intelligence.  Given his criminal history, they know Jesse understands his rights and how to act in that situation, but considering how transparent his recent actions have been, they probably don't consider him any

A higher purity of the initial, untouched batch (what the first buyer receives from the cook) means a higher selling price to the second buyer/distributor, etc.  It's quite common for the controlling drug suppliers to cut the product with other, cheaper ingredients until it's consistent with the average purity on the

Trying to anticipate hashtags is like…Streets Ahead.

Yeah, that had nothing to do with Skyler slamming a door two inches from an infant's head.

Mike: Come for the bitching at Jesse's sullen attitude, stay for the bitching at Walt's collateral damage-dealing pride.

Walt Junior: "…I go by Flynn now."

She's got all the sympathetic facial qualities of Skylar, with an interesting horizontal effect on her eyes and mouth.

He had a few creepy things to say in the commercial for 'The Last House on the Left' remake.

Todd squeals, yells out "That's a BINGO!"