The Fool

I like Saul's reaction, like he's a bit disturbed that Walt wouldn't realize how seriously someone would take an annoyed, offhand threat delivered by Heisenberg himself.

The tragedy of Skyler, at this point, is that she doesn't even need to know the full extent of Walt's crimes.  She's seen/heard enough to make her toleration of Walt's presence in the household a shocking betrayal to the rest of the family.

I like that she's being kept around, mostly, to be a reoccurring character stupid enough to trust Todd.  Their deaths shall be unexpected but oh, so expected.

If she ever actually achieved the power she's constantly angling toward, she'd be gunned down in a matter of days.

It certainly isn't dangerous or disturbing to kids, I doubt they'd notice if it weren't for the entire room turning towards Jesse.  It's just not something he'd feel comfortable doing, personality-wise.

It's not The Godfather part. III we deserve, but it's The Godfather part. III we need right now.

Yes, but she didn't (she even tried to convince Walt to buy a coffee, to look convincing.)  She doesn't recognize that people can be as intelligent as her AND violent, as Walt is.

Much like Walking Dead Carol, she went from "speechless, emotionless" to "audience surrogate with no depth".

They made a terrible show based on Mega Man?

Between Walt looking out a full glass window during the orchestrated murders, his closing the garage door on Jesse, and all those fucking oranges, this stuff is Godfather all over.

If you told 100 actors to play that, I think at least 95 of them would play up fear and panic. He really showed how anger/rage can be the most overpowering part of those episodes, if that's the particular trigger.

Skylar threatening Lydia like that? Terrible call.  Not because Lydia's dangerous (certainly not in the same sphere as Heisenberg), but because she's shown a tendency to vastly overvalue her own safety, even at the risk of acting impetuously or becoming too visible.

"Y'hear that? If ya ever come back, we'll kill ya!"

Honestly, how is a person not aware of every book in the bathroom? Does Skylar spend all her toilet time on her smartphone, reading the Breaking Bad comment sections on A.V. Club?

I just "got" that Jesse lit a joint in front of several children.  That's pretty fucked up for an empathetic guy like him.

I thought that was a great callback to the Walt-in-Underwear scenes of the first few seasons.  It definitely implied a return to those close-calls with Hank and the RV, which made the immediate confrontation even more surprising.

I think the reveal of Skylar's involvement will shift the balance again, even if Hank does recommit to exposing Walt.  With all the morally complex family members aware of Walt's crimes, the only victims will be Walt Jr. (both his parents!), Marie (her sister! her brother-in-law!), and the baby (there's no way my

He hadn't told anyone, though, and he was well into treatment by the time he told Hank.  It's possible, I guess, but hell, isn't that level of self-preservation something Walter hasn't been willing to do for at least two seasons?

Frankly, I'm amazed he was willing to sit and listen for that long. When I'm in that situation, I usually interject with an inappropriate Star Wars reference, just to get'em off topic.

Yeah, Walter looked disappointed when he picked up the bong, but he also seemed to think: "Heh, its like a chemistry set."