I said that one to myself out loud four times to get just the right Jersey accent on it, because I felt like the story just needs to be spoken for full impact.
I said that one to myself out loud four times to get just the right Jersey accent on it, because I felt like the story just needs to be spoken for full impact.
based on my experience working at taco bell, they may be under the influence of something, or just not care. and if you ask to make sure the sour cream stays on it, they will probably charge you extra
my mom had never even seen Mexican food until she was in her late 40s (she just never tries new things unless she has someone to coach her along so none of us had ever stepped foot into even a taco bell). that said, she just asked the server what they recommended (after explaining that she had never had Mexican food)…
That's always been my favorite method, too. Haven't lost a single gluten in thirty-five years with that one.
On her planet they just let their pseudopods hang out in a nutrient rich broth, or else they engulf small critters foolish enough to get too close. Learning about a planet from the internet means they know a lot about cats and porn, but there are big gaps in their knowledge base.
I was a big fan of the one that called it "a color and a crustacean." OOOOOOHHH, I know, it's the Green Shrimp!
Your comment reminded me of the time I overheard a woman who was trying on shoes tell the salesperson, "I wear a seven, but a nine is more comfortable." Since I was standing close by and he knew I heard, the sales guy shot me an exasperated look. I nodded sympathetically and walked away giggling.
As crazy-angry as people get, and as often as restaurant workers are belittled and threatened, I don't blame them for over-obfuscation. As long as it doesn't kill the story, whatever.
A local restaurant was sued by a man who ordered a roasted artichoke appetizer and proceeded to eat the entire artichoke, skin and all, because he didn't know any better and ended up hospitalized with massive stomach pains as a result. His argument was that he was from out of the country so the restaurant should have…
"Pause. Gorgon Number Two tapped on her friend's arm with her acrylic talons."
My brief story was an elderly woman came in to our store and ordered a burger.
A friend of mine worked at a coffee shop and had customers repeatedly come in to order "chino."
I'm aware that not everyone has exposure to the same experiences in life (ex. if you had asked me how to pronounce "merlot" at age 16, I prob would have said Merr-Lott) but I am truly sad for actual adults who don't understand chocolate cake, uncut pieces of toast, eggs to order, root beer that is sold a la carte,…
I don't see what's dumb about customer No. 3. If you're watching your gluten, surely the safest thing is to store it in your stomach so it doesn't get lost?
As someone who comes from a culture without restaurants, whole wheat, or hazelnuts, I am personally deeply offended at the way my brethren are being mocked just for not understanding the intricacies of American dining practices.
"You stupid bitch! It's Pinot Giorgio!"
I am a working cook, as well as an instructor at a culinary school in Canada. I regularly reference BCO in class, trying to prepare my students for the unbelievable fuck-wittery waiting for them out in the 'real' world. These poor kids have no idea what awaits them...