
I'm so very sorry that you went through that, :(

Hi, you must be my spirit-twin because my husband's family does exactly the same thing! If you don't take it right away, blink and it's gone. They're also of the "eat it now, we don't want leftovers" persuasion.

Next Thanksgiving, just lie in bed and do nothing. Play relaxing music, watch Netflix, and let it pass. You deserve better!

Smokers who get all self-righteous about their xyz-free crap making everyone dance around their invented special "healthy" dietary needs can take a fracking leap. Log out of your own eye first, amirite?

THAT GIF. I must have it!

The cool couple act! Love it! Being able to present as a cool duo to the world is also one of my favorite things about my husband. (No one knows that what we really love is farting around together in our pajamas, so we clean up good!)

For sure it's a personal choice—I don't like to spend money on bottled water because I'm cheap and because Europe is a place that generally has great, clean water—but then some people would disagree with my wine bill! :)

Considering I've lived over here for more than half a decade and it hasn't killed me yet, I think I'll stick with the tap water! :) The water in Europe, though it doesn't always taste as lovely as it could due to all of the chlorine, etc. that they have to put in it to purify it, is perfectly safe. I've only

Also, when I was with a group of 20 Americans, the waiter totally tried to fleece them, attempting to charge for: an extra meal, the pitchers of water (by law, these are free when from the tap, as many as you want!), and a fork that had dropped on the ground (wtf?!). He was a total jerk just because they didn't speak

Usually, paying for bread is a only a thing in really touristy places—restaurants that are so lousy with people who don't speak the language enough to be expected to know any of the cultural norms. In most places, you ask for a pitcher of water from the tap; otherwise, most places will bring you out a liter of bottled

"You are not done. I will bring bread."

If I could give this a million stars, I would.

I know you're getting a lot of heat for the reddye allergy thing, and I just thought I'd chime in and mention that I have a dye allergy, too, although not to carmine; it's a specific type of dye that's used to make that metallic-colored lining in shoes (contact dermatitis: hives + 2 weeks of constant itching, broken

Filed away to my ever-expanding, "Yes, children, you need commas" file. Also, This is the Story of a Happy Marriage is amazing, and I read it cover to cover. Twice.

Aaaand, this debacle has just pushed her book onto my "buying" list. I saw it today, was tempted, let it go. This is definitely worth exceeding my quarterly book budget!

I definitely agree that everyone should have to work a service job at least once; it really makes you a better, more respectful person.

A rock???? O.O Somehow, that's more terrifying to me than a gun...

Honestly! It's as bad as the nth times we were told, during my teaching program, "Now, don't go dressing like Ally McBeal!"

Do you know what happened with them? I feel so terrible for the bride!

NO! That's just...a miscarriage, trip to the ER, wrecked car, and some crazy in-law drama during the honeymoon night? Did her in-laws at least apologize?!