You obviously don't live in France.
You obviously don't live in France.
As someone who's lived in France for years, I LOVE the fact that most shops are closed on Sunday. It's so unbelievably peaceful and worth it! Very few stores are open on Sundays for limited hours only, such as some big grocery stores from 8 or 9-12, and usually one big bookstore in major cities because they can afford…
As someone who's lived in France for years, I LOVE the fact that most shops are closed on Sunday. It's so unbelievably peaceful and worth it! Very few stores are open on Sundays for limited hours only, such as some big grocery stores from 8 or 9-12, and usually one big bookstore in major cities because they can afford…
As someone who's lived in France for years, I LOVE the fact that most shops are closed on Sunday. It's so unbelievably peaceful and worth it! Very few stores are open on Sundays for limited hours only, such as some big grocery stores from 8 or 9-12, and usually one big bookstore in major cities because they can afford…
As someone who's lived in France for years, I LOVE the fact that most shops are closed on Sunday. It's so unbelievably peaceful and worth it! Very few stores are open on Sundays for limited hours only, such as some big grocery stores from 8 or 9-12, and usually one big bookstore in major cities because they can afford…
Excellent :)
You win. Creepiest doll ever!
The doll—pics or it didn't happen! So many levels of crazy.
If you wrote a thinly-veiled "novel" about this; I would buy it! NaNoWriMo is coming up...!
All the same boss. Private teaching company. I no longer work there.
NO, that can't be real; it just can't. *dying of laughter*
I find supporting small-business artists well worth my money.
That looks so interesting; definitely added to my ever-growing list!
Just looked that up on Amazon and read the entire free sample. I'll have to pick it up the next time I'm in the states.
I second your recommendation. Definitely one of the more harrowing books I've read, but it brings front and center the end of the war, which most of my history classes skipped over with just a line or two of "and then the war was over, and it was pretty terrible but let's not talk about it, the end."
That reminds me of that scene in La Vita est Bella (Life is Beautiful) where the Principesa is at her engagement party, and her elementary school colleagues start talking about the new math textbooks. The story problem is something about how certain groups of people cost the state x, y, and z amount of money, so how…
I wonder what he would say to my family's tradition of waiting til the after-Christmas sales to get our presents...twice the presents for the win!
Oooh, tell me more! Any historical ammo I can use to convince the anti-vaxers is much appreciated. And, epidemics fascinate me, so there's that too...
It does depend on where you live and funding for your library, but, according to my librarian friends, they try to keep up with public demand and take requests for new books. Typically, they try to balance out quality/well-reviewed literature with popular favorites. Also, where I'm from, there's an inter-library…