
Yoga/doggie style/ worshiping Gulliver??

zero personal evidence that Macklemore is not a rapping fish or something

Ha, totally. It's like former friends of mine who argued on several occasions "But [insert racist remark here] is okay because [our one friend who's Asian] is fine with it! He thinks it's funny!" Ha, um, NO. I feel Aaryn is trying to use the same argument here with the I'm Southern! used in place of the POC friend...

I think you should tell her. Have you considered speaking with a lawyer? That way, s/he can advise you on how best to approach the situation, especially if his wife needs to contact you for evidence/testimony for divorce proceedings? Then, if she does need further evidence from you, she can contact the lawyer who can

My reaction to your comment? I just went on Amazon to look up fondue sets, no lie.

I didn't have a registry at my wedding since people were coming from several different countries and many different cities. So, we told our parents and a couple of close friends that, if anyone asked what we wanted: we'd love to have them there, that we didn't expect gifts, but if they wanted to give us something we'd

I think that it's totally fine to get the cheap registry gifts—they're there because the bride and groom probably need practical stuff like shower curtains and know that the broke people could afford that. Besides, they can't possibly be offended that you got them something on their own registry. :)

Aw, that's the cutest!

Thank you thank you thank you! Also, I love how they're actually singing and not doing so much "dancing" that even autotune can't keep up with their breathless shout-singing.

I know! It's so adorable to see that moment when they realize, "This is not tv!"

We need to have a renaissance of tailors and seamstresses, people. Just think, if everyone got just one or two custom pieces per year, we could make this a thing! And give real, individual people our money instead of some corporation with questionable labor practices...

I'm one of those crazy people who like taking tests. And, for that reason, I am well aware that tests don't measure knowledge or intelligence. What tests measure is your ability to take tests. And you guys, I have mad test-taking skills, partly because I've always been mad interested in reading and have read shed

You get +1 internets for those tricksy hobbitses, love it!

Yeah, the hubs got mega-pink eye two weeks ago, and we were all like, what the frick happened that you got pink eye with nary an elementary school child in sight? It all makes sense now: the POOL he swims at on his lunch breaks!

We had an awesome wedding, the everyone-just-pitch-in-and-help-if-you-want-to, no gifts expected type of wedding. The live music, flowers, food, set-up, photos, invitations, basically everything but the clothes on our back was a team effort. It was AWESOME and we were so grateful. And, the people who did choose to

I knew two brothers named Rocky and STONEY.

THIS. As someone who takes public transport every single day for 40-45 minutes to get to work, I have had the unfortunate opportunity to witness the "I own everything because I have a stroller" parents push way too far. My biggest pet peeve (besides strollers that take up reserved spots) are the parents who have a

Yes, as an amateur seamstress, I agree with you completely! It can be incredibly time-consuming to make accurate, pleasing alterations on clothes, especially crazy-expensive couture. I'm almost never exactly the same size as a pattern, and most of my time is spent making adjustments and alterations rather than making

Yes! Bioderma is pure unicorn blood, I swear! I moved to France, and after going to a dermatologist my first year here, she recommended it as a facewash instead of the harsh salycilic acid Neutrogena one I was using. Total revolution on my face, never using anything else, ever!

Yes yes yes. The number of times people have asked me if I can pick them up at the airport...I just can't even! I live in France but not Paris and don't have a car. I've sent you instructions with photos of how to buy your ticket, what the train station looks like, and what to look for to find your train. It would