
But why can’t I play it on my PS3.

Superman is without a doubt better than Batman.

My biggest complaint is just to say that the reactionaries writing Batman are getting Batman wrong just as much as the reactionaries writing Superman.

My hope?

Obviously the girl with the Golden Compass.

I can only assume that it is because there are pictures, & the complainers (or more likely, their parents) can’t be bothered to read all the words in a book— which probably have plenty of “naughty” bits like sex & violence in them, too— but can generate faux outrage over something they can flip through without really

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I completely agree. I think the second movie has unique action sequences, ups the bar on the weird, & in general is plenty fun. It even has the cereal box philosophy that is the identifying feature of the series! I also really liked the MTV Movie Awards parody.

Yeah, if nobody hears from Rob in a while, assume he got mazed. Bloody clueless prime!

As a fellow plates-in-the-skull member— though nowhere near as extensive!— a joyful welcome to the Cyborg Club! We’re like Clone Club with less drama.

Blipdoolpoolp is like, THE BEST*. I mean, okay, Lolth & Vecna are better, but then, Blipdoolpoolp! I always enjoyed how the Kuo-toa are, for some reason, the monster race with the most canonical development. Blipdoolpoolp is just straight up Uncanny Valley, plus they use mancatchers & are ruled by a lightning shooting

Obligatory so long, & thanks for all the fish.

I regret that I have but one Like to give.

Shibboleth is my pick.

This just makes it sound like it would be a hard movie to make, not an impossible one. Hell, this is just the Sherlock Holmes problem in reverse— instead of a detective picking up clues & figuring it out in the background, the killer leaves clues, & then they all come together in the end. Linear plotline a problem?

Humans, Neanderthals & Homo floresiensis were all alive at the same time.

Cassandra Cain Forever.

It absolutely is the reason I dropped some Gawker blogs off my feed & it definitely has had a massive chilling effect on my participation in the comments. I can only speak for myself but yeah, it is not the UX "experience" I'm looking for.

I thought every town had a Magnet Hill. They aren't THAT hard to find!

More like Raph is going to TRY & fail & Leonardo is going to have to do the killing himself, LIKE USUAL.

Sounds like a segue into a Metalhead storyline.

I was under the impression that the McClintock study on menstrual cycle synching was reasonably well regarded as "proof" of pheromones, though I know other mechanisms are proposed. Not the "sexual attraction" pheromone fringe sites posit but...