
I is categorizing people...who fit the catefory? It isn't "all men are..." or anything...

my friend who slept with a guy famous for his "perfect Marxist politics" who slipped out of bed claiming he was on deadline to "write a column on the importance of keeping Marx central to feminist analysis," then never called her again; he had a girlfriend.

I was just talking about Golden Compass style daemons— which, if #14 was right, would mean ladies would be followed around by giant-testicled familiars.

The whole "The New 52 is just like Rob Liefeld comics in the 90s!" is really a huge turn off to me. The only DC I buy anymore is Grant Morrison stuff; the rest of this rubbish is just insulting.

So I discriminate. Sue me.

This is similar to some of the issues the Twilight movies had. No research into real Native Americans on the author's part, just make 'em werewolves because Native Americans are naturally more in tune with nature, right? BUT the movies put actual Native American actors in a major motion picture. A tough issue,

Whaaaaaaat, somehow that movie in which a white guy puts on redface & plays an insulting stereotype of a Native American has problems with race? Wow.

In Louisiana's defense, they don't fly the Confederate flag...since...all the way back in MARCH!

Come on, we all know women ONLY vote on the basis of a candidate's personal life, & not on their policies & voting record, right? RIGHT?

Wait...are there people incarcerated for polygamy? I know there are polygamists in prison for also being pedophiles, but how many people are in prison for being polygamous or polygynous?

Whatever, J-Law is throwing up the Man Repeller school of fashion, rock on.

I moved to The Old Reader.

Isn't the name of that little island with the secessionist rhetoric..."Texas"?

Wait he said it was like the Golden Girls, but he meant a BAD way?

Maybe it is because I'm an American, & we theoretically believe in freedom of the press, but I am down with letters, petitions & protests...but when you start trying to get Parliament to intervene, you've gone & screwed it up. 'course, here in America we're such babies about it that we have the FCC to monitor


Rick friggin' Perry couldn't even carry a presidental nominee bid to term, he should probably be quiet lest the ill-spoken things he said then come back into the news cycle, along with this piece of stupid.

The moral of Precious is that she's young, black, uneducated & sick...& STILL A PERSON. Right? But naw, let's just use it as an insult to codify that young black women are worthless.

But they ARE appealing to minority voters! Why, they have that audacious compromise that will build a wall around Mexico; if that doesn't attract Hispanic voters, what will!

Yeah, sadly so do I.