
Holy Crap! I preordered this book because of how good the last three were. I can hardly believe it's so full of glaring errors like this! Considering how bad these errors are I'm not surprised some people are burning their books. Bioware should not ever have let something like this come to print.

My problem with digital distribution is that it's usually tied to a specific console and if something happens to that console your downloads are gone forever even if you get a new one. before digital distribution can really take off they should first set up some kind of game ownership database. Where your library is

Last I checked. When I purchase a product I become the owner of that product and it is then my property to do with what I wish whether it be selling it or whatever. What if the game is terrible? If this system is in place then I would be stuck with it forever. and I couldn't make anything back from my poor purchase.

Jill Doesn't smoke. What the dick?

and we still haven't even gotten Monster Hunter Portable 3rd over here. What the fuck Japan?


What do you mean finally? I've had Battle Royale 1 AND 2 on DVD for over 7 years now.

In a word. Absolutely. Things like this shouldn't be kept from children. It spurs imagination for them to see fantastical, and terrifying and disgusting creatures of all kinds. When I was a kid I actively sought out the kinds of shows and movies with this stuff in it. at age 10 I was watching Gremlins, alien,

And yet we can't make a car that doesn't pollute the planet? What the fuck!?

Uhhh. did anyone else notice that they have futha muckin EGORAPTOR on this season!?!?

I would give my left nut for that. I will pretty much buy anything Resident Evil. I already have the Tokyo Marui Samurai Edge. But having a real one would just be totally authentic to the point of a major nerdgasm.

Wow... that an impressive list of games... but you forgot one of the Major MAJOR releases coming out this year! ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES! Come on! That game looks amazing!

I'll be honest here. The only reason I download ANY TV shows is because A: I can't stand commercials, B: I want to watch thing on MY schedule, and C: Refer back to A. I REALLY hate commercials. With a passion. I think what we need is a way to have your downloads and companies still get ratings for them.


truer words.

that WASN'T comedic?

This guys got his messages crosses or something. This video wasn't about war, it was about the game. They were just trying to show what this game would be like in a live action fashion. That's all it is, fashion, fancy dressing. Because it's not war; it's a game dressed like war. derp.

I'm just waiting to see if they make a Monster Hunter game for it. That, and that alone, is the only thing that will convince me to get this system. It needs it, especially now that it has the two thumb sticks.

It needs a Monster Hunter Game. Without Monster Hunter I will not buy it. No matter how many good games there are on it. Monster Hunter was practically the only game that I played on the thing. I put in almost a thousand hours into it. Without Monster Hunter I would have put it maby 20.

That's some really boring looking food. I'm just going to put this out there... Game themed food is stupid, unless food is somehow featured in the game somewheres.