
12 would be fin if they all played drastically different. Kasumi was the most refreshing change of pace in the game. She brought some unique abilities that no one else had.

What about us in North America!? Come on!

I'm pretty sure locking them in a box until their 18 is a lot more harmful to them than "light kissing and fondling" And it sounds to me like this was more than a little mutual. I'm not saying it's right either but that girl clearly went through a lot of effort to get together with this guy.

1: Psi Ops as well.

Holy shit. This just made my day. I've been drawing Mass Effect doodles at my desk for the last 3 days Drawing The Shadow Broker(Yahg), Quarians, Asari, everything.... This came at JUST the right time. I still can't help but feel worried that this game is coming in a little too fast. I mean... ME2 only just came out

@Anarkiwi: I dunno. The Garrus romance was definitely good for a laugh or two. I thought the dialogue was pretty natural.

@TheForgetfulBrain: I agree. I think the fact that you do spend so much time getting to know these characters makes the desire to see them frolic between the sheets together that much more enticing.

@Mythos: Seriously? They're dolls. Dolls without sexual organs.

I think nintendo has a good shot at getting the best console out in the next generation just because they've been making money with the consoles from day one with their low tech approach. Just think of all the bucket-loads of disposable income they have to pour into R&D on this new console. Think about how often we've

I've got one of these. I'm putting a Chris Redfield costume together for conventions and I wanted to go big or go home. It's pretty damn cool, and well worth the money I paid for it.

Mass Effect 1's sex scenes were fine. I was actually incredibly disappointed in ME2's sex scenes in comparison. mainly because there weren't any. I just finished my first fem sheppard p-laythrough in ME2 and wooed Garrus, and all you get to see is her carressing his face, fully clothed. Not only that but this is after

Wrong. Just wrong.

Kind of. We have a christmas party every year at my parents house and one of their friends sons is a gaming fanatic. Since I have every system hooked up in my room he pesters me constantly throughout the entire night wanting to play.

Whoa Whoa WHOA! not Drew Kapershyn? I don't know if I can trust this.

The Mass Effect crew are LIGHTYEAR more badass than the Star Wars crew. Sheppard vs. Anyone would result in a win for good ol Shep. And Biotics are WAY more versatile than the Force.

One thing I don't like about this idea is the whole changing Leons fate thing. I like a continuous story without variation. Yes RE2 had alt endings but there was a definitive way that it is SUPPOSED to end. There is canon, I don't like things messing with my RE canon. makes things needlessly confusing, especially for


Announced one day before release!?! That's the way to do it! We knew something was coming but DAMN! It's nice to be surprised for once. Tired of hearing all the details about a game years in advance. This is refreshing.
