It'd be nice to have sensible upgrades wouldn't it? But Nintendo hasn't been doing that lately have they?
It'd be nice to have sensible upgrades wouldn't it? But Nintendo hasn't been doing that lately have they?
that looks amazing. Do want.
lol. "Non existent youths." Considering how many big manga people are against this and actively trying to stop it, I don't think it'll go far. Not to mention the fact that these supposed children are just lines on paper... Not really sure how this is a problem myself. I mean... wouldn't the legality of fantasy child…
Whoever's room this is... they need a life. That's creepy. and the game doesn't look any good either by the opening.
While I somewhat agree on the whole "Things jumping out at you horror does not make thing" I think the guy writing this article is just a bit of a wimp. Oooh, spooky shadows, I'm gonna hide under my bed and not play the level until I'm calmed down from that 5 seconds of play time. Sorry but... that's wimpy.
Really? I mean... Really? It's not like they switched it to a Xbox 360 exclusive. It's still on PS3. you could always just... NOT buy it for 360. Don't be stupid fanboys and girls. Yes. It's stupid. Multiplatform is fine. Gives people options, opens up the market to people who might not have PS3s, but DO have 360s and…
Wow... I just watched the Tron Legacy trailer and WOW... that's got me hyped. I wasn't a big fan of the original, but I LOVED the game Tron 2.0 and that trailer for Legacy just looks bad ASS!
@FokisMoney: I agree. I heard the PS2 one was good as well. but I never tried it myself. I saw my brother play it a bit and it looked cool.
Yes! And they even have the original princes voice! He only said a few words but I'm sure it was him! NOW I'm excited about this.
@Jakelshark: That's bullshit dude. The article writer is right. The wii had nothing to do with this. Kids will go out of their way to touch and play with everything in sight. Especially things that they're no allowed to play with. She probably saw him use it, asked to play with it, was denied, and then the first…
This looks surprisingly good. Actually looking forward to it. maybe it could break the curse of the bad video game movie.
@angry_gamer: Good point man. and sinde God Of War is such a short title to begin with, why both with an acronym? Pure lazyness if you ask me.
Howe about this. make some NEW IPs. stop milking Guitar hero and Call of Duty. Make a FUTURE based Call of Duty if you want to make a new call of duty game, and turn Guitar hero stuff to pure downloadables. Then focus the hell on helping Blizzard finish Starcraft and Diablo 3, cause those are going to be big sellers.
I'm impressed with the speed and efficiency that they fixed this problem. less than 24 hours from the point of it happening to me. Sony Online Entertainment you ROCK the customer service. Knocked it outta the park with this one!
@denki: cause nobody likes a mouthful of hair.
I can't play the demo cause of this older model playstation 3 error message crap that's preventing me from logging onto the internet. This sucks.
I would gladly spend 900$ on that.
to not be frustrated to the point of yelling. When something is so unbelievably forgiving, or so stupidly difficult (not on the difficult settings though) THAT'S a deal breaker for me.
Can't even attack a child in Fallout 3? that's retarded!
@peteer02: hates geofencing: They said the same thing about batman, and then Batman: Arkham Asylum came out and was amazing. Don't lose all hope. But at the same time, don't get your hopes too high.